The Valley of Despair
There is a valley called, the Valley of Despair. While walking through this valley you will be aware… That this is where lots of thorns and thistles grow… Jacka...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
There is a valley called, the Valley of Despair. While walking through this valley you will be aware… That this is where lots of thorns and thistles grow… Jacka...
Though times are hard I’m by your side Your tears I hold within my hand No matter what I’ll hold you close Look to the one who understands. Though fear may come...
Let us see You Jesus Let us know You Jesus Let us be with You Jesus Let us share You Jesus Let us walk and talk with You Jesus Let us be consumed with You Jesus...
Good morning my precious friends and family what a beautiful day to be alive!!! I have to say this first… Anxiety, stress, and depression, can kill you… ...
Hold the Line!!! Hold! Hold! Hold! On the front lines of the battle field each warrior is standing true Waiting for the impact to give the devil his due…...
Come away Come away Come away with me to the garden~ In my garden you’ll find rest In my garden you’ll be loved and blessed~ Come away with me daughter/son I’ve...
Jesus loves the little children; The unborn that have yet to see the world… Many a boy and many a girl… Babies’ sweet babies… People hide in dark places; their ...
For the past few weeks I’ve been feeling weak in my body more than usual. With age comes a certain amount of change, to say the least, lol! The changes in my bo...
Hide me in your hiding place There abiding face to face… Secrets told and mysteries I behold Lord, I seek more of thee… Hide me in your hiding place Protected f...
Jesus is our high priest, Intercessor and our king… Living, breathing, son of God He is everything… Even from the beginning… Adam walked with him Abraham...