
 He opens the sky each morning with a smile on His face Waiting in a still, quiet, place… To greet you with kisses from the morning dew Waiting to see if you’ll...

The Lost Soul

Walking in darkness sin’s grip is hard and fast Wrapped around my blackened heart, to many lies have passed… Between then and now, I have no clue what I am head...

The Beckoning

Photo of my son Mark Liverio  The sea calls as I stand upon the shore Deep calling to deep, there is so much more… I’ve dreamed my dreams and looked at ocean’s ...


This morning I got up, ate my oatmeal, did some things and went back to bed. I didn’t sleep well last night. I woke up feeling really tired, I prayed, ...

The Cross Road

Standing at this cross-road Lord, which way do I go? Each road leads to where, I just don’t know… Unexpected loss has caused my heart to break I don’t know wher...


I Am I Am the daughter I Am the daughter of the King… I don’t walk in pride or arrogance I learned to walk with confidence and humility He’s given me the abilit...


Artist Adisorn Pornsirikarn For some reason today has been especially hard for me… I’ve cried off and, on, all day, some days are like that… A cleansing I’m gue...