In most cases doesn’t going to “Church” make us feel good? We come together with people, we sing songs together, worship together, hear the message the pastor b...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
In most cases doesn’t going to “Church” make us feel good? We come together with people, we sing songs together, worship together, hear the message the pastor b...
I had a conversation with the Lord this morning. I wasn’t speaking; He began to talk to me. He said, I don’t tell you to read my word just to command you to rea...
Is the armor you’re wearing to big, to tight, to old, to rusty just too….Well, it just doesn’t fit? Armor always brings to my mind, Knights of the Round Table w...
When I was twenty I had my first son. I didn’t think anything or anyone could hold my heart like holding him and rocking him; feeding him and watching him grow....
If you live long enough you learn to talk, walk, and run! If you live long enough you go to school and graduate and some even go to college If you live long eno...
How very fitting on this day that this is one of my memories from Face Book…Last night I had a dream I was in a very dark, completely dark room no light a...
Heaven’s 9-1-1 Operator: “Hello, you’ve reached 9-1-1 what is your emergency?” Prayer: “My name is Prayer and I’d like to say, Good morning to the Chief. I...
Quietly, reverently, solemnly and prayerfully, I wait. Standing upright, in the presence of the Creator of all living things… Slowly my arms stretched from side...
Standing all alone on a cold, dark, night… Alone in the dark, shadows and light Companions these…no thoughts, no needs… Something or someone pulls at my heart… ...
Humility and Grace stand at your hearts door… Open up and let them come in… A hardened heart can never win… Pride says, “Look at me, look what I’ve accomplished...