I Am With You Always

I see you…
I may be in another place, but darlin, I see your beautiful face…
At night when you look up in the stars, you’re looking straight into heaven…
Guess what? I’m looking right back…
No, you can’t see me now…
But sweet baby girl, everything will be alright…
Lie down in quiet sleep, in the stillness of the night…
I’m right there with you, in the center of your life…
I see you laugh, and I see you cry, when you’re afraid, but understand
You are not alone…
I’m with you to the end of the line kid; I’ve been with you all along…
You’ve got a lot of living to do…
Darlin, don’t fret
And never forget…
You’re daddy’s little girl!!
And when you hold your darlin’s near, look to the stars
And do not fear…
Life holds you for all eternity
Look up daughter, you’ll see me!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill February 15, 2025
I wrote this and I dedicate it to my beautiful, adopted niece, Rachel Eileen Watson, extraordinary woman of God!
Psalm 19:1 King James Version – The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
Jeremiah 31:3 King James Version – The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore, with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.

Silence Speaks

Photo by: Marla O’Neill
Silence speaks, as everything in nature seems to sleep
I peek through my window and see blankets of white.
All is still and quiet, no sound of any kind, my soul takes flight…
No tweeting birds, or squirrels at play
It’s surreal, a wonderland of mystery displayed…
Vibrant, crisp, cold air, lingers everywhere…
Sleep sweet earth, for a little while,
Your journey awaits through this silent trial…
Wait for Spring, to bring forth new birth…
You, are of the greatest worth, if only you are aware…
Listen to the silence, it’s a priceless treasure,
To be held for a moment, you cannot measure…
Breathe, let it hold you until you’re full…
Soon it will all go away…
Can you hear Silence say…
Dwell in the sweet secrets I have for you, today!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill January 24, 2025
Psalm 147:16-20 New King James Version
He gives snow like wool; He scatters the frost like ashes; He casts out His hail like morsels; Who can stand before His cold? He sends out His word and melts them; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow.

Jesus Wept

Life is an archive of souls.
Running through time, eternity holds.
A sphere not seen by physical eyes.
Child, everyone here dies…
But realize…
“I am the resurrection and the life! Anyone who believes in me will never die…”
At Lazareth’s graveside. I cried…
It’s OK to grieve the loss of loved ones, but understand…
Sorrow is for the night, but Joy will come in the morning!
Like an hourglass pouring tiny grains of sand…
Caught by the Father’s, unseen, loving hand
He takes us to the promised land.
So, weep for a while, child…
Then dry your eyes and know this
The reunion will be such bliss…
On the other side!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill January 2, 2025
John 11:35 New King James Version
Jesus wept.

Letter of Praise for the Year Ending 2024

Artwork by: Youngsung Kim
You never know what a day can bring…But you can have the One who will see you through it, no matter what!
After having a wonderful Christmas with my Tampa family, we left for home the day after Christmas.
Bob and I were both tired, but I had no idea what he was experiencing, because he didn’t say anything. We stopped at Walgreens in Crystal River, I believe that’s where we were, I needed some Aquaphor for my foot, where a cancer had been removed. I noticed he was eating something, and I asked him what it was. He said it was tums.
It took about 5 hours to get home but just before we arrived, he said, “I have to tell you something.” I said, “Ok what is it?” He said he needed to go to the hospital that he had been having indigestion for 3 days. I was like. “WHAT?” So, we came home first then headed to the ER.
It was very crowded, and people were coughing and looked miserable. Then as we sat down, we heard a woman begin to moan and cry out… “Why? Why? Oh God! Oh God!” I felt heartsick for her. She was in a room near the waiting room, I’m guessing she was with a doctor. Someone she loved must have died. I could hardly contain myself knowing the pain and hurt she was suffering. I began praying silently in the Spirit. Knowing I could possibly be facing the same situation unless God intervened. As I prayed for her, silence came. I don’t know what happened because we were called.
They did an EKG and that came back normal, but we had to wait 2 hours for the blood work to come back and then they’d do the process again. They were ruling out blood clots. Which thankfully none was found.
It wasn’t a good report at that point. We were told that the heart was in distress. So, he was admitted to the hospital, and they scheduled him for a heart cath.
The next day they did the heart Cath and found some blockage, but he didn’t need a stent/s it could be treated with medication.
Thank the Lord for family in healthcare I had an angel escort me through the hospital (Bob’s daughter) otherwise I don’t know what I would have done. The hospital is huge!!
And I had two more angels (Bob’s other daughter and friend) escort me, to and from the hospital because I don’t drive anymore. God is faithful, especially, in the trails. He always makes a way. Thank you, Papa God, you’ve been with me my whole life.
You gave me Bob when I didn’t think I’d ever find love again and I know you won’t take him from me now. I know we’re all going to leave this planet one day but not yet!!
Many have already gone…but with Jesus, we will see them again.
Thank you for your grace that passes understanding. Thank you for family and friends that go over and beyond the call of duty, to help when we need it the most. Thank you for praying family and friends that stand in the gap and make up the hedge when it’s so very difficult to even think when faced with life threating circumstances.
Lord, thank you for sparing Bob’s life and James’s life and Pastor Perry Dissmore, seems they have something in common at the end of this year’s 2024. But you’re not finished with them yet!!
Thank you for being with Bambi and Charles and helping them cope with the extremely serious situation they are facing.
There’s so many Jesus…I pray that 2025, will give us new hope, new beginnings and better health so that we can serve you and continue to be a blessing to all we love, know and greet! Amen!!
I wasn’t going to post anything about this but since it all turned out good, I wanted to give God Praise and thank family and friends!!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill, December 30, 2024
Isaiah 43:19 King James Version – 19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
 Romans 6:3-4 New King James Version – Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.


Ponytails and puppy dogs, and long summer days
Storybooks and river brooks, children, at play…
Skinned knees and climbing trees, childhood now, just memories…
But I remember mama’s kisses on my cheek
Bedtime prayers, and sibling’s there, in a place called, Rocky Creek.
A mountain of tears was wiped away, in the dark, when mama prayed
Now I lay me down to sleep, Father all my children keep, ever in your hands
Bless their lives and when they’re old, let all their memories be as precious as gold
Mama prayed and we all said, Amen.
Walking slow, to and fro, this body can hardly go…
But I’m blessed beyond measure, for all of life’s treasure
Is seen in the little-uns faces…
Round and round the time-clock races…
A new generation to bring…
Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill December 22, 2024

Hope Says…

David G. Perkins, artist


You may be broken, feeling like you just can’t take one more day.
Do not give up! There is Hope!
For every single problem you face and have gone through…
For every heart break, mountain of tears, trembling in the night with unimaginable fears
Don’t give up!
Hope says, you will not die…you will live…you may cry tonight, but child, in the morning there is Joy…
Dry your tears…and listen…
The liar in the shadow is only that…a shadow…it’s not real
Hope is light!
Hope is life!
Hope is there even when it seems deferred! (lost, in the distance, never seems to come)
There is always Hope…
You’ve tried everything else, has anything worked?
I may sound old fashioned! Primitive! Extreme! Crazy! Old!
But I know beyond a shadow of doubt…there is only ONE, who can help, and restore Hope!
Don’t turn a deaf ear…don’t let pride or self, stand in your way of an abundant life!
Hope says, peace is now…Hope says, love is abundant and unconditional
Hope says, there is a way, a right way to live and thrive…in the truth, not lies…
Hope says, I’ll give you a brand-new heart and shower you with abundance of grace, God’s unmerited favor…
Hope, is not dead! Hope is alive! Hope seeks forgiveness and forgives…
Hope, won’t leave you stranded and naked and pleading for death…
Hope, when realized, is a tree of life!
Jesus is the Tree of Life!
I’m talking to you, yes you, the one reading this at this very moment. The one who is thinking of ending it all. Don’t do it! Don’t let your life be stolen from you. I promise you, if you’ll just ask Jesus to turn your life around and help you live for Him, everything will change. He’ll make a way where there seems to be no way. But you have to mean it from your heart and then take the steps with Him guiding you to get to the other side. Years from now you’ll look back on this moment and you will see how He gave you Hope and delivered you from hopelessness.
There will always be trials in life, but with Jesus, you have Hope that he will lead you safely home.
If you’re sick, homeless, have addictions, beaten, cast down, emotionally drained, physically exhausted, don’t wait another minute…Hope says, call on Jesus!
Find a church body that preaches the truth, the Word of God, and don’t let anything or anyone deter you from that Hope! Hope in God and he will direct your steps. He will take the old and turn it into brand new beginnings.
There’s a tree of life waiting for you! Ask, seek and knock and you will find!
H is for Him
O is for Overcomer
P is for Prayer
E is for Eternal
~MYO December 2, 2024
Proverbs 13:12 New King James Version12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.

The Walk

Baby’s feet gently tucked in swaddling clothes untouched by pain.
Running feet on cobbled streets, happy, carefree, remain.
Walking roads of Galilee, peace he shares with all he meets.
Standing to speak on mountaintops, revealing mysteries, he hears and sees.
In stormy night he walks the sea, recuses one, he’ll do the same for you and me.
Sitting among the learned and the meek, one washes his servant’s feet.
In earth kings’ presence, he stands in humility, sentenced to walk the Via Dolorosa, some weep.
Laid down upon a rugged cross~ no more roads to walk, such loss.
The pounding sound of hammer and nail, tears running down his cheeks…
They impale His holy feet.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill – December 2, 2024
Matthew 11:28-30 New Living Translation
28 Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
The Via Dolorosa is a route in Jerusalem that Christians believe Jesus took while carrying his cross on the way to his crucifixion:

Made for More

Created today from my garden,
Son, takes his first breath…
Fully conscious, takes his first step…
Worship, I accept…
Hears his first word and speaks…
Brings tears to my eyes and I weep…
Plays beneath the willow tree,
Dives into the crystal sea…
Names the animals, counting them, one, two, three
What love is shared between He and me.
I watch him learn as he walks, then, runs
Without effort this man, my only son…
Skipping stones upon rivers and lakes…
I see the loneliness upon his face…
As he sleeps, I take his rib…
A woman is formed, made just for him…
Love is given and love received…
In the presence of my council, those who believed…
Made for so much more, to him I give.
Life in the garden, where they live.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill November 15, 2024
Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Ephesians 1:18-19 “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people, and His incomparably great power for us who believe.”

Into the Land of Goshen

Famine throughout the land, how will we survive?
Protected by, a sovereign hand, “Go to Goshen, there you’ll thrive…”
Who is this magistrate, that orchestrates this decree?
Why, it’s Jacob’s own son, given power to lead…
Sold as a slave, condemned by his captor, falsely accused
Sentenced to prison, he’s no longer abused, as a mystery unfolds…
He interprets a dream, not all, is as, it seems…
Brothers who betrayed him, are now redeemed…
Into the land of Goshen, the place of comfort and plenty,
They are spared by the hand of God…
Protected from the evil of the world, they are prosperous and secure
In the secret place, they worship and live, in the presence of their God they’ve endured.
Draw near dear friends, to Goshen and rest, for Goshen is God’s eternal best…
The City of God, where angel-armies were sent, to protect, deliver and set free…
God’s very own family. They’re restored and re-unite.
Singing songs of victory, and lullabies pierce the light…
Resting in the King’s heart, for his supreme delight.
Goshen, an oasis, abundant in love and peace…
No more tears, no more pain, wars and rumors of wars, come to an end and cease…
No fear of dying, no attacks of any kind…
With a new body, a new soul and new mind.
Lying down in green pastures, drinking the waters of life…
Into the land of Goshen, we go, and take our final flight!
Under Goshen’s stars, we dance ‘til the morning light, as we celebrate new life.
The King bends down to kiss his bride,
Exuberant Joy pierces the sky, Rejoice, he’s no longer alone…
Shalom, Shalom, we’re home!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill November 13, 2024
Exodus 8:22 And in that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, in which My people dwell, that no swarms of flies shall be there, in order that you may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the land.

It’s God’s Garden

I’ve come to realize, that this place where I abide, is Your garden~
I am simply a caregiver here.
Placed in your garden to serve you, with grace, and hope, that all you hold dear
Will grow and thrive, as your beauty appears in the garden of life!
Weeding the garden can be time consuming and back breaking~
Days are long as I struggle among thorns, plants and trees.
The sun rises and sets~
I’m down on my knees, by the sweat of my brow, I bow~
Some roots grow deep and some shallow, but the labor is all the same~
Help me tend your garden, to honor you, and disregard the pain.
Help me, as I work here to be faithful, humble, and to remain, steadfast, in the process…
That I will bring honor you; not bring disgrace, to your precious holy name.
I will water and nurture, all you’ve given me to do
To prune and fertilize and transplant.
Fruit trees, shrubbery, lovely flowers and to pray for hours, beneath the mighty oaks
Making sure, there is no disease anywhere in the garden, so that you, will be pleased.
Help me not to complain~
Godliness with contentment is great gain…
Where some may not produce much, others thrive and grow
God, help me follow, you, wherever you want me to go.
Little foxes spoil the vine, Papa, help me to be kind.
And when the snow begins to fall…
The garden grows silent, quiet and still~
I will continue to hear your loving call, and remember, I’m just a caregiver in your garden, help me tear down walls.
Time comes and time goes~
Others too are working~
Some reap and some sow~
God, you, bring the increase, to your garden here below.
And when it’s time for me to finally go~
I’ll whisper a gentle prayer; “May your garden always be tended with loving kindness, gratefulness and available for all to share!”
God’s garden is sacred, it’s holy and it’s divine…keep this in mind when you tend it and know, it’s his, not thine!
We’re all part of the garden, he longs for us to be, among the royal lineage, His Holy family!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill October 31, 2024
And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. Genesis 2:8
The Lord   God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. Genesis 2:15 New Living Translation