Presence of God

I bless you God…I thank you for loving me and giving me life… I thank you for Jesus…my friend, my savior, my King… You are everything… Such peace…sitting in you...

I Am Yours

This song, Divine Breath was written and performed by my dear friend Lisa Mitts and it inspired me to write the poem. We hope it blesses you. You can purchase t...

Memory of Mama

 Pearl Jeannette Gandy As I looked at my memories for Facebook today I see where I posted about my mom going home to be with the LORD! (7162015) I am strongR...

No Condemnation

I read your words of life today they made me stop and ponder Is there hidden sin within my heart? Lord, help me so I do not wander. Am I being kind and thankful...

Holy Fire

Holy Fire burn in me Heart desire set me free Ignite this soul and let it be Burning bush consuming me… Light the flame and let it burn Within this heart and do...