Jesus the Passerby
Called to be a fisherman, my livelihood I spend Many days out on the sea, casting my net for a catch Sometimes empty-handed, so I row back to shore No time to t...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
Called to be a fisherman, my livelihood I spend Many days out on the sea, casting my net for a catch Sometimes empty-handed, so I row back to shore No time to t...
As I look deep within the eyes of Him Sorrow, sickness, unbelief, cannot stay~ Eyes with light and grace, chase all the shadows away Eyes that see my heart’s d...
Empty yourself of self Cry out and seek God’s face… Empty yourself of self Grab hold of His cross and embrace See the given Lamb, and count the cost… God paid f...
With age, comes a different perspective, which the youth has not yet acquired. Experience is a great teacher if we are willing to learn. In the early morning ho...
I will be posting for some of the days of the fasting and prayer on my blog; days that I believe the Lord is directing me. Like today my sister and friend in th...
I’m sharing my heart with you today… Yesterday was day one, of our church community participating in a 21-Day-Daniel Prayer and Fasting. Over 1000 people signed...
As I prayed this morning I received this from the Holy Spirit. I hope as your read this that you will be encouraged and that as you seek the Lord that he will c...
Painted originally by: Carl Gutherz Will you drink this cup of suffering? Poured out for you to sup… Where your life is given completely It’s the price you mu...
Too much mind Lord Cluttered with thoughts and plans Not designed by your hand… Too many miles, Lord, how can I ask for more…? Stranded in a broken deserted la...
I’ve learned that time goes by really fast… It doesn’t seem like it when you’re young but trust me it does… I’ve learned that people you love and care about don...