Follow Jesus

As I prayed this morning I received this from the Holy Spirit. I hope as your read this that you will be encouraged and that as you seek the Lord that he will confirm in your heart that he is speaking. I pray that your spirit bears witness to the Holy Spirit and that Jesus is lifted up…Amen.
~I am and forever will be. I have called but many will not respond to my call because their hearts and minds are far from me. But you responded and I have called you to me, to be a blessing to me and to others.
I am calling out~
I am compelling all who will listen, will see a great harvest. A harvest that is greater than any since the beginning of time…
A harvest of souls that will be planters of seeds…people of great faith and warriors of praise, teachers, evangelist, prophets, people of grace, courageous and fierce in the face of great opposition…they will not conform to this world but will be transformed into my image, and they will help transform souls for my Kingdom. Their character will be my character…they will walk in righteousness and peace and hope… 
Many will say no and walk away because the world is to powerful a force for them to let it go. But those who say YES will become sons and daughters of God. 
Persecutions are coming, there have always been persecutions but it will become more blatant…Do Not be afraid for I am with you. 
The time of ease has passed…
The time of complacency is over…
For those who are for me will receive insight and strength, wisdom and grace on a fresh new level…
Open your heart to receive my plans, my ideas, my ways, to walk in purity and truth! 
Don’t be deceived by the smooth talkers those who say I am here to help you, those who promise you everything will be Okay…
DO NOT trust in the arms of flesh…for the enemy promises great wealth and prosperity in the earthly realm…but he is lying it is a trap…the powers of darkness are at work… 
The pride of life, the lust of the eyes, and the lust of the flesh, has been his tools from the beginning of time… a third of the angels fell because of his lies…
Eve fell because she believed his lies and death entered the soul of mankind and every living thing…
All throughout history men and women have fallen because they listened and believed his lies…
But I have put my Spirit of Truth within you to know and to follow my voice~
You are mine because you hear and follow my voice…
Stay in an attitude of faith and pray, so that you will not fall from my grace…
Wait for my confirmation…seek me with your whole heart…wait on me, do not run ahead of my Spirit…this is wisdom…
Know my word…study it…speak it…for it is life know it and you will not be deceived. 
You will know who are mine by my love, pour it out to one another…
My love is the greatest gift of all!
People brag about their spiritual gifts they only want to use them for their praise… their hearts are full of arrogance and pride…this will not bring my righteousness… 
More than any other gift seek the gift of my Love, my love gives; it does not take…
Receive my love today…I impart it to you even now…
For I Am Love
Do not follow the stranger
Do not follow the tale bearer
Do not follow the mocker who claims he has all the answers…he will lead you to destruction and death
Follow the Holy Spirit; he doesn’t talk about himself…He talks about my Son, the one you know as Jesus/Yeshua…
He is the one who gave his life for you and it is my Son who brings you before me…He intercedes for you…He has all the authority; pray in His name…
Keep your eyes and your heart and your mind on Him
Follow Jesus not man! 
~January 9, 2019 – mso
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4


  1. Just what I needed to read this Day thank you so much Sister.

    1. Praise the Lord Michael thank you for reading and commenting. God always gives us just what we need…Bless you and Mary!

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