One Touch from Jesus

When you have an encounter, a one-on-one touch with Jesus, you are, and will be, transformed. You are forever changed.
The blind man that was touched by Jesus…
The lame man sat at a pool for 38 years crippled, but when he was touched by Jesus…
The woman at the well, broken, condemned, judged for her poor choices in life ruined reputation…but when she had an encounter with Jesus…
The dead girl raised to life again and Lazarus dead four days, heard Jesus say come forth…
The demoniac tormented in body, mind and soul, no peace for years and then he was touched by Jesus…
Real people with real pain in situations that no one could repair, full of despair and hopelessness, no one could rescue, but they were touched by Jesus…
500 witnesses saw Jesus after his resurrection…Jesus is Alive…
 Once touched by Jesus, no person, no demon from hell, could take away the encounter they had with Jesus. The experience was unexplainable, and it happened. They were completely set free!
That was then, but he’s still touching lives in our day and time too. I know because he did it for me.
They were one way and then they were another way! I was one way then I was changed.
When you have a life changing experience with Jesus, you’re no longer bound by what you know or think or by what others say, think or do.
You don’t have to be convinced or talked into believing, because you know it for yourself. It is undeniable.
You know that you know that you know, and no matter what anyone says or does to make you try and doubt or to go back into that insanity. You know you will not go back because you are living proof that Jesus touched you and you are no longer bound.
You’re screaming, “How?”
Well, either Jesus is Real, or we are all just playing games. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt Jesus is real! I know the life I lived before and how tormented I was. I was filled with shame and guilt for many years. I hid emotionally and physically because that’s what we do when we aren’t in right standing with Jesus. Like Adam and Eve in the garden. Sin makes us hide from God. I ran from one place to another, literally over and over and over. I could not find peace, because I didn’t want to face myself and if I went to Jesus, really went to him I’d have to face it all and it was just too painful. But He has His ways…and He loves us so much, he goes looking for us! He’s calling, “Child, where are you?”
So, like the woman at the well…Jesus waited for me to come to the well…I was hot, dusty, tired, broken and afraid and alone.
He took me out of Egypt (sin) and put me smack dap in the middle of a faraway place where He was…and for nine years I was in a safe place to heal…so that the tormentors no longer had control over my life. I was no longer “the victim.” I was the VICTOR through the touch of Jesus!
Jesus touched me and I had that real life encounter with Him…I was no longer the person I once had been. I don’t even recognize that person…I was made new by the transforming power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
If he can do it for me, he can do it for anyone.
Relationships are built on faith and trust. I know, who He Is! And I trust him with my whole body, mind and soul!!
How? Go to Jesus. You may say, “I’ve done that a thousand times and it doesn’t work.” Do it until it does work!
Stop running…stop looking for an easy fix, that doesn’t last. Band-Aid solutions are only temporary. Stop trying to be what He never meant for you to be.
Get alone with Jesus…be real with Him…talk to Him and ask Him to come into your heart and be the Lord and savior of your life. He’s waiting for you to ask…
Meet with Jesus face to face and I promise you, he will transform you into a brand-new person. He will put the right people/person in your life that will lead you to your true healing.
Let go of the past and walk with Him…all the way to forever!
The peace you’ll receive is a peace that lasts…Oh there will be times of trials but in those times, you have an assurance that he is with you, and it will pass. It’s worth it, He is worth it! You are worth it!
And then when doubt tries to hinder you. You’ll have a resolve that Jesus is greater, and the doubt won’t be able to penetrate your victory, because, brother, sister you Are Free! Whom the Son sets free is FREE indeed! Not just words…Truth!!
God wants you to live and not die and proclaim his mighty works to others so they too can be set free, just like YOU!!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill October 11, 2023
Encounters with Jesus: Forever Transformed
John 9                         The blind man
John 5: 1-18               Lame man at the pool
John 4                         Woman at the well
Mark 5:21-43             Dead girl raised
John 11:38-44             Lazarus
Luke 8:26-39               Demoniac
1 Corinthians 15:6     500 See Jesus after His resurrection
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4