Unseen Hands

Unseen Hands
Lying prostrate before the Lord, she’s alone praying in the stillness…
Tears of loss and tears of hope; rise before the throne…
Unaware of the angels presence, and the hands that hold her near,
They listen to her hearts cry, and this is what they hear…
‘Gracious, Loving, Heavenly Father,
Wash my heart today; I come humbly before you, please hear what I have to say,
There are so many dying, afraid, and fearful, they want to run away…
The pain and suffering in our world, grows stronger every day…
Savior, Healer, Provider; Maker and Keeper of all…
Draw them by your Holy Spirit, and do not let them fall,
Into the hands of the evil one, he kills their dreams and lives, steals their joy and salvation, then
destroys hope and sends despair.
Holy One they are blinded and lost without, a prayer…
But you my God have given me a heart of Warrior prayer…
A burden for lost souls, please grant grace, for their welfare…
I am only one, a warrior down on my face…before your throne O God,
give me mercy and give me grace…
Pray without ceasing….Hear the battle cries…
Save their dying souls Jesus, there’s no need to question why…
Into your loving unseen hands, is where our victory lies!
The angels wipe her tears away at the anguish of the fight…
And in the midst of the climax they, SCREAM…
You cannot see the fighting, going on in the spirit realm…
But unseen hands are there guiding, protecting; because of prayer fought on the ground…
His sword is drawn, He strikes His mark…
Prayer, He’s heard, from His warrior in the dark…
She’s on her face…before Her King…prayer destroying yokes of bondage, by His hands
Fighting the demons, while on her face, she wails…the battle rages on, freeing captives, battles
Never let go of God’s unseen hand, even though, you don’t understand, His strategic battle plan…
The grace, the mercy, the heart of God; beseeched in prayer by the warrior true; conquered demons to
set souls free…
unseen hands are fighting for thee!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill September 9, 2015©
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places. Ephesians 6:12.1599 Geneva Bible

Hidden Treasure

Hidden Treasure
Driving down an old dirt road, something I see catches my eye…
I stop to investigate, and there I see a broken vessel and so I sigh…
Weathered by dirt and years of old paint, broken furniture full of decay
I’ll pick it up, take it home, since no one wants it anyway
Hum, says I… picking up this old piece,
I think to myself, well, wonders never cease…
Stripping away years of white paint, lacquer, varnish, dirt and mold
A treasure I see, as I behold; oak in its solid state
Sanding and stripping the wood I find…
What beauty lies beneath…?
Taking it to its original grain…no more covering with paint, no more awful stain…
Years of use, the memories of life, it must contain…
Stories of lives, silent, remain, buried within this old chest…
Thought your days were finally done, but no, it was just a test…
Resting awhile but nothing was won…
The journey’s not over it’s just begun…
Taken the old and made brand new
I still have a place in this world for you!
Don’t think for one minute your life is through…
Just because someone gets rid of you…
What treasure we miss, when passing some by
With one look closer you may find a surprise…
Be willing to invest in someone disguised…
You’ll miss God’s mercy if you are unwise…
He empties the vessel to start something new…
Looks past all the layers, caked inside of you…
Ripping and stripping with each swipe of His hand
The carpenter Jesus always understands…
You may be old and thrown away, but God has sent
His carpenter, for you, today…
A treasure more precious than rubies or gold…
Is seen underneath all that dirt and mold…
A vessel of honor you’re called to be…
As the old is removed, and your story is told;
Even if you’re left, beside an old dusty road!
By Marla Shaw O’Neill ©September 3, 2015

All I Ask


Rising early in the morning I watched the sun, rise.
Its warmth and beauty filled my soul as I heard the seagull’s cry.
I walked along the seashore as a breeze gently blew.
And in that precise moment I felt his presence and knew…
The day was almost over, time does not stand still.
I asked my heavenly father to show me his perfect will…
He whispered softly to me, are you ready for that my child.
I answered a most assuredly, Yes Lord, and stood quietly to hear…
Love others without question, stick closer than a brother,
Honor your father and your mother.
With all your heart, delight yourself in me.
My perfect will is this child; that all mankind would know.
My perfect love is what I give, because I love them so…
Oh, open your eyes and see beyond the curtain, life is waiting for you now!
I only ask that you seek me; with your whole heart kneel and bow…
I loved you from the beginning and I love you now…
Lift up your eyes from whence cometh your help…
See me from the inside out…
What more can I do I’ve given all; give your life, and take the call
I’ve called you to serve, stand humble yet tall.
I am God; I am your Abba; The First and The Last
Give me your heart that’s all I ask.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill 7/7/15

 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4 (ESV)

Mommy’s Rolling Pin

Mommy’s Rolling Pin
My mommy has a rolling pin
I watch her roll the dough
Making my favorite pastries
The ones that I love so
The rolling pin is made of wood
I watch it as it spins
She adds the nuts and chocolate chips
Eggs and vanilla all filled within
Spinning over the mixture I see
What a delight she’ll be giving me
I watch the wooden rolling pin; spin, spin, spin.
If not for mommy’s rolling pin
No pastries would I savor
Of dough that holds delicious nuggets
Full of freshly sweet, baked flavor.
My mommy’s wooden rolling pin, now sits upon my shelf
And just for the fun of it…I’ll roll some dough myself!
By: Marla Shaw O’Neill 7/6/2015©

My Teddy Bear Moe-Care


My Teddy Bear
Sitting there upon the shelf the one I made all by myself
Is a fluffy, little brown bear, whose name is Moe-Care.
Moe-Care and I were the best of friends
He’d go wherever I’d go…
A trip outside in my wagon, Oh, I love him so…
At nighttime, my companion
He’d chase the woolies away…
Woolies are the scary ones they don’t come out in the day.
Shaking under the covers they hope to make you cry…
They tickle your toes and wiggle your nose, while all you do is sigh
But Moe-Care and I, we’d snuggle tight when the lights went out at night…
And just when I thought, I’d be swallowed up, by the woolies in my room
Moe-Care with courage, fought strong and true, to chase away the doom
So if you have a teddy bear that’s worn, whose coat is bear…
Keep him up upon the shelf…
Telling Woolies, “You better Be Wear.”

By: Marla Shaw O’Neill 7/4/2015©

The Path

13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Matthew 7:13-14 King James Version (KJV)
The Path
 The broad path, is the one I chose early in my life…
Careless times of living, not giving heed to what lay ahead,
this was the road I traveled full of misery and strife…
Anger, deceit, and treachery, companions they became
Lawless, reckless, destitute, these were my middle name……
Then something strange happened to me, I can’t begin to explain
But this much, I can tell you, I never was the same,
I changed…
A faith woman, came to town one day,
She preached a little sermon, about the straight and narrow way…
Broad is the road that leads to destruction, hear this story, she wailed…
Narrow is the road that will lead you away from Hell…
Where gnashing of teeth is heard and the worm never dies,
Listen to me, Oh sinner hear me; she cried…
Get off the road your walking, let Jesus be your guide
Follow in His footsteps they lead to eternal life!
I cried to her in anguish…
I’m a wretched, poor, lost sinner…not worthy of anything but death
She laughed and shouted, “That’s perfect, you’re the one he’s been looking for
A little lost lamb he came to save, he’s knocking at your hearts door…”
Tears that flow like a river ran down my face that day
I’ve never been the same since, now, I’m on the narrow way…
There is a way that seems right to man, but the ends thereof are death…
On the narrow path you’ll meet the one where wonders never cease…
You’ll lie down and sleep in his embrace where there’s perfect love and peace…
I’ve come to know what true life, is really all about…
on this less traveled, narrow path…
I’ll live and laugh and shout…
Broad, is the pathway, that will take you straight to Hell…
Narrow, is the pathway, walking with Jesus, he’ll show you the way out!
By: Marla Shaw O’Neill 6/17/15©
Photo by: Sallie Henry
Jesus, path finder, way maker, truth and life giver; take us by the hand today and guide us with each step we take today. Be closer than a heartbeat that we will never, ever, stray away from you. You are the only way, home! Amen!


Worship in total adoration, abandoned of self I stand,
Boldly before the Lord,
Awaiting His command…
I worship and adore you, Jesus, King of Glory…
You are the Rock of Ages, Lily of the Valley
Beautiful Rose of Sharon
Prince of Peace; Lord of ALL
You took the nails and thorns and stripes.
You hung upon the tree…
No greater love or blood was ever shed for me.
I worship in the Holy Place; no flesh can ever see.
You’re light shines bright upon each face.
As I worship you, your glory taste.
Ten thousand angels sing at your throne.
Holy, Holy, Holy
This is home…
Standing here my spirit soars
To a place far beyond earth’s sandy shores
Engulfed in His presence, Oh glorious one…
My soul doth sing, let your Kingdom come.
Let your will be done…
Jesus, God’s son…
Shalom, Adonai…Elohim!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill 6/17/2015
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God’s Garden

God’s Garden

This morning as I lay half asleep, I listened intently as the Holy Spirit began to impress on me the Garden of Eden. God’s garden…
God planted a garden and I thought hum, that’s interesting Lord, It must have been a large place because there were rivers and lots of plants, trees, vegetation and tons of animals.
I also had the thought that the animals must have been able to talk. I know, right? The thoughts we have sometimes…funny but really anything’s possible. It does say the serpent spoke to Eve.
I thought about how God said, “Let us make man in our image.” And so he took dirt and created the man. Then to give him life he breathed into his nostrils and the man became alive…he had a living soul. The soul would live forever.
God had created a gardener for His garden…his name was Adam…
He must have been alone for a long, long time…because he had to name all the plants and the different birds and fish, the stars and the sun and moon, and then name all the animals that dwelt in the garden.
And then finally when Adam had completed his task he sat down and he was lonely.
So God said, “The man is alone and there is none like him to have as a helpmate, so God caused a deep sleep to come over Adam…and instead of taking more dirt to make the helpmate he took a rib from the man and created a woman. He named her Eve.
I thought about why God would make woman this way from man’s rib and not from the dirt…then I thought well it must have been his plan because from man and woman would come children…
He said the man and the woman would become one…to be fruitful and multiply they would bring forth offspring…That was God’s plan…
The man did not decide how things were to be done…God did.
You see it’s when we as humans try to take things into our own hands and minds and say we know better than God, that everything gets out of sorts…we fall.
Wars come and disasters and famine and plagues…chaos and destruction.
Life began in the garden…God’s garden…
Death also began in the garden…
Why because of disobedience…
“You may eat of any tree in the garden, all except one. Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” God said.
Because he knew if they did, they would die. Oh not right away but it would separate them from God’s love and care. They would die because they were no longer in the presence of a sinless God. He who generates life…the serpent knew this too.
Adam and Eve never knew what death was…they’d never seen anything die. All they knew was that God had said do not eat it, because if you do, you will die. This was God’s garden he had his reasons for them not to eat of it. One command was all they had to keep and they couldn’t do it, they disobeyed…
Why, because they were temped and instead of obeying they disobeyed what God had said.
The serpent, the sly, hissing, tempter, whispered to Eve…”Go ahead Eve, eat it, it’s OK, and surely you won’t die.”
And so, she took the fruit and ate it and her eyes were opened then she gave it to Adam and he also ate.
Fear entered their hearts, they knew they were naked they were afraid and they hid themselves from God.
You know the rest of the story, if not read Genesis; it’s the first book in the Old Testament…
The thing is this…you can believe the story for the truth that it is, or you can chalk it up to some fantasy…but just as the serpent beguiled Eve and deceived her he’s still doing that today…
“Surely you won’t die,” hisses the serpent, as he sits sneering in his glib little way, slithering and waiting for you to disobey.
Then when death comes it’s too late, the consequences for sin is death.
Your only redemption is through the blood of Jesus, he is the only one who can save you from sin and death.
Think about it!!!
Will you choose life?
Or will you choose death?
There was another garden; the garden where Jesus the son of God prayed. He prayed until his sweat was as great drops of blood pouring from his body. The body he created to live in God’s garden forever…but the man and God were separated by sin, high treason against God.  Man and woman were no longer innocent, no longer without fear or doubts, now they knew what being tormented was all about. The serpent had seemingly won…
Man and woman had fallen and were cast out of the garden.
But on another night many, many years later in another garden the Garden of Gethsemane, God’s plan to rescue His children, would be fulfilled…that night Jesus would make all things right again…He surrendered to His Father’s will…the serpent had not won…
There is a new garden now. God’s garden, where He’s gathering His precious trees, rivers, flowers, herbs, weeds, animals, birds, sea creatures, mountains and plains, it’s a garden where his children can thrive and live and never have to be threatened of being thrown out of ever again. The garden of life where Jesus is the Tree of Life…you can only get to this garden one way; and that is through Jesus, God’s son. Now you have full access to the Tree of Life. Where once, if you ate of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you would surly die….Now all who eat of the Tree of Life, will live and never die…
It’s your choice, God never goes against His word…He gave us all a free will…Jesus could have said, “No way, Abba, I can’t do this…” instead he said, “Never-the-less, not my will, but thine be done!” Praise God!
What will you do?  Will you continue to live your own way, rejecting the Tree of Life. Living life in toil and despair? Or, will you surrender your will to His will and live having hope in the midst of despair and love in the midst of hate? Life or death it’s your choice. Will you dare to accept the call!
~~Marla Shaw O’Neill 6/29/15©
Genesis 3New Living Translation (NLT) The Man and Woman Sin
Matthew 26:36-46New Living Translation (NLT) Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Time is Close

Weekends I spend with my mom and my husband at my mom’s home. She’s struggling with the horrid disease, cancer.

Doctor’s say she has days now.

She’s still alert and gets up each morning makes her bed, gets dressed and makes herself a cup of coffee. Mom is very independent and talks as if she will live on and on. She has strong faith in God and he does sustain her.

For three years my sister and I, as well as, other family members have taken turns being with her. We help her with her medicine and see to it that she’s not alone.

As I watch her grow weaker and time passes the emotions range from anger, to downright hysteria when I’m by myself, and no one else can see the tears…at other times I just break down and cry and don’t care who sees…it’s the most difficult time I’ve ever faced…

Sixty-one years I’ve enjoyed my mom and now that time is coming to a close.

Yes God is faithful and he keeps us through the process. No he never said life would be easy but he did say he’d go through it with us, and so we wait.

Psalm 91:14-16New King James Version (NKJV)

14 “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.”