The Secret Place
Come away with me to the secret place
The place of refreshing and peace
Come to me with arms held high
With heart humbled and free
Come to where there’s no despair,
No envy, no hatred, no fear
A place where only you and I
Relax, and take time to share
Sharing heartaches through years of shame
No judgment, no bitterness no blame
I’ll instruct you with wisdom and secrets so rare
Your heart will sing and dance again
I’ll carry your burdens for my burden is light
Hold onto your faith like an eagle take flight
Soaring over the mountain peaks
Don’t look to the left or to the right
Just keep me, in your sight
Cast all your care at my feet today
Lay your head upon my breast
Come to me with all your heart
Be childlike there and rest
I’ll keep you in my arms forever
And love you tenderly
Walk in my presence and you will find
My Grace is sufficient for thee
No fear or doubt to keep you bound
It’s faith that pleases me
Turn your eyes upward now and see my loving face
My feathers will cover and hide you, in our secluded place
No rejection will you see in me
No utterances of displeasure
As long as you walk in my presence my child
Goodness and Mercy will follow, you’ll see
Stay close beside me in the secret place
As you linger there and feel my embrace
See the scars of long ago upon my hands and feet
A crown of thorns, and bleeding side my blood and water fell
While hanging on a cruel tree upon Golgotha’s hill
Tis finished I cried, and tis finished still
Receive the joy and strength you need so others watching may know
That there’s life and peace, they too can have waiting there for them also;
And in this secret place they’ll find, angels watching silently
Standing in awe at the sight they see, the wonder, the mystery
All who dwell in the secret place will abide under the shadow of the Almighty!
~Marla O’Neill ©8/21/1988, revised 4/24/13
Psalm 91
1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
he is my God, and I trust him. (NLT)
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