Who Will You Choose

10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John 10:10

Standing in the shadows the death angel waits;
While people of the earth, unsuspecting their demise…
Doing what people do, going about their daily lives.
Heaven stands there watching; knowing there’s nothing they can do,
But watch in total stillness, as death comes to take these who,
Walk about and eat and drink in merriment and glee
Not knowing in a moment, they will no longer be…
While standing in this place called home…they’ll no longer see.
Darkness, terror and evil, and principalities,
Demons, that ride upon the wind, come to kill, steal and destroy,
The people in this world, they, crumble from within.
Are you ready should he come, to take your life today?
Or will you wait until tomorrow, by then it is too late
Some will enter heaven’s gate; while for others, hell won’t wait…

Your life is but a vapor, like the grass it withers’ and dies…
You’re given a choice today my friend, don’t wait for your demise…

Jesus is calling; don’t wait til it’s too late…
Put your soul within his hands…and trust him with your fate…

And if by chance, death calls your name…it’s heaven you will gain…
16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16

Do You Hear That, God is Singing…

Zephaniah 3:17 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
17 The Lord, your God, is in your midst,
a warrior who gives victory;
he will rejoice over you with gladness,
he will renew you[a] in his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing
You know how excited you get when you lose something and then find it…
Can you imagine how God must feel when one who is lost comes to him and is found…born anew…the light is turned on in their souls and they become a new creature in Christ…
There is a party that goes on in heaven when that happens, the angels celebrate!
But like this verse says God will exult over you with’ LOUD SINGING!!!!!
Can you grasp the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty God, the Ancient of Age…Throwing his head back, mouth opened wide, lungs filled with air, he begins singing over you?
If you could comprehend that…
What would be the words of the song?
What would God sing over you?
Think about it for a moment…
Words like;
My precious child…my darling, my love, my sweet, sweet baby…
I’ve longed for you to come to me for the longest time…
I’ve counted the days; I’ve watched you from afar…
I’ve prayed that you would give your heart and life to me;
I gently wooed you…
I sang you to me…
And then with a loud boisterous song…the words rings out…
You’re finally here with me…
I love you more than you can ever fathom, I will shower you with kisses and happiness
I don’t have to wait another moment…
You are here, forever, in my heart!
I’m so thankful you are home.
Something to ponder…
God waits too…
He’s merciful and gracious and longs to have a relationship with us!
But He will not go against our free will…
Give Him all your heart…
Just as you have that longing for your children to love you, and call you, when they are away…
God feels the same way~ 
And when one comes home…listen…
God is singing a loud song…
He is rejoicing…over one who was lost
But now is found!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill 11/16/2015

The Giving Heart November 5, 2015


17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.
Psalm 51:17 (NKJV)

The Giving Heart

Surrender and Humility
Two friends that walk together

Surrender says I lay it down

Humility speaks without a sound

Pride will drive you to hold your own
In haughtiness and defiance

God looks for the broken heart
As it stands in contrite obedience

Humility bows before her foe

As Surrender walks down the rocky road

Right may stand within their grasp
At all the wiles of circumstance

But in the end, these two friends

Gain everything…

Victorious in giving…

They win.

By: Marla Shaw O’Neill November 5, 2015©

When God Calls Your Name


So, the Lord God called out to the man and said to him, “Where are you?” Genesis 3:9 – (HCSB)
When God Calls Your Name
Searching for something
But what I just can’t tell
It’s just beyond my grasp
It’s just beyond that hill…
Tossing and turning through the night…
Who’s there…?
I wake in fright…
Someone is calling my name I hear…

Who’s there…?

I whisper again…
Straining to see, in the darkness I stare…
Heart pounding…
All senses on alert…
Darkness; yet I see a tiny spark of light
Ears tuned, listening with intent, but hearing only…
Then, within a millisecond…
A voice loud and clear
Shatters the void,
I am waiting to hear…
“Where are you, why do you run from me…?
I’m been calling you for many years…
Come, and see
The joys I have waiting for thee…
No need of money or script or purse…
What I have for thee is free…
Bought and paid for
Upon an old rugged tree…
Come home now…
Your struggle is through…
It’s time to rest…
I’ve been waiting here for you.”

My search is finished…
I’ve finally found
What I was searching for…
Not success…or fame…or material things…
But perfect peace in Jesus name!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill October 28, 2015


Remember Lot’s Wife – Don’t Look Back

But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt.
Genesis 19:26

 Remember Lot’s Wife Don’t Look Back

Was she a righteous woman…
Who stood in the shadow of her man…
Is there but ten who will follow
The God of Abraham….

Green pastures rich and flourishing
Peace and rest is found…
But in the sinful city her heart was hardened and bound…

Angels came to deliver them…
But she; apprehensive to leave,
For this was her life
This is all that she believed…

Come away from here make haste;
This place is destined for fire…
Take your family; flee…

Death is emanate; have no desire
To stay within this place
Judgment has come
There will be no saving grace…

Taking flight they hurry
Running through the night…
But the woman full of regret
Leaving all behind, memories of her past
Turns not heeding will this be her last…

Shutting out God’s word His messengers she spurned
Wanting her country, wanting only to return…
“Do not look back.” This was God’s command…

Just one look, that’s all it took…
Her breath and life in that moment, forsook
As she turns to take one final look…

A Pillar of salt now stands…

Stone cold, lifeless…
Death from disobedience…
Oh, please, learn this lesson from the Holy Book…

Remember Lot’s wife, you women of worth…
Looking back only turns to regret and hurt…
Put away your idols, your past is gone…never look back…
Keep forging on…

Live in the now…
Heart rich and free…
For God has given His love to thee!
When he says go…don’t look back, just flee!

By: Marla Shaw O’Neill October 26, 2015©
Genesis 19:15-26; Luke 17:29-33

The Secret Place

The Secret Place
Come away with me to the secret place
The place of refreshing and peace
Come to me with arms held high
With heart humbled and free
Come to where there’s no despair,
No envy, no hatred, no fear
A place where only you and I
Relax, and take time to share
Sharing heartaches through years of shame
No judgment, no bitterness no blame
I’ll instruct you with wisdom and secrets so rare
Your heart will sing and dance again
I’ll carry your burdens for my burden is light
Hold onto your faith like an eagle take flight
Soaring over the mountain peaks
Don’t look to the left or to the right
Just keep me, in your sight
Cast all your care at my feet today
Lay your head upon my breast
Come to me with all your heart
Be childlike there and rest
I’ll keep you in my arms forever
And love you tenderly
Walk in my presence and you will find
My Grace is sufficient for thee
No fear or doubt to keep you bound
It’s faith that pleases me
Turn your eyes upward now and see my loving face
My feathers will cover and hide you, in our secluded place
No rejection will you see in me
No utterances of displeasure
As long as you walk in my presence my child
Goodness and Mercy will follow, you’ll see
Stay close beside me in the secret place
As you linger there and feel my embrace
See the scars of long ago upon my hands and feet
A crown of thorns, and bleeding side my blood and water fell
While hanging on a cruel tree upon Golgotha’s hill
Tis finished I cried, and tis finished still

Receive the joy and strength you need so others watching may know
That there’s life and peace, they too can have waiting there for them also;
And in this secret place they’ll find, angels watching silently
Standing in awe at the sight they see, the wonder, the mystery
All who dwell in the secret place will abide under the shadow of the Almighty!

~Marla O’Neill ©8/21/1988, revised 4/24/13

Psalm 91

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High
    will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
This I declare about the Lord:
He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
    he is my God, and I trust him. (NLT)


Silence… Revelations 8:1


On a
Ugly hill…

He died!


In wait!



Took flight!










~Marla Shaw O’Neill October 16, 2015©

The Lamb Breaks the Seventh Seal
8 When the Lamb broke the seventh seal on the 
scroll, [a] there was silence throughout heaven for about half an hour. Revelation 8:1New Living Translation (NLT)


It Ain’t About Me, It’s All About Him


It’s All About Him

It’s not about me, myself or I; Oh no

It’s time about sharing what He says is so.

Not bickering or snickering on this or that

It’s not about things a tit-for-a 

Where would we be if not for Him?

We’d be in the trash heap or out on a 

Get rid of self, set it up on a 

Then let those creative abilities 

Then you won’t have time to moan or whine…

Stop, look and listen for ways to be 

After all its Jesus who says, “They are mine…”

It’s all about Him and not about 

Be seen in His, Hall of Fame and trust…

Getting rid of self, well, it’s definitely a must.

~Marla Shaw O’Neill 9/25/15


The Carpenter

Carpenter working, sunup to sundown.
Roman soldiers commanding more stakes, to be found.
Christians to die on Golgotha’s hill.
Your job is to give me more wood, from your mill.
I cannot do this thing you ask.
My hands only work for my God and His task.
Then at your word you’ll see your last
You’re a carpenter, will this be you’re past…
You want me to give you a stake for my son.
This shall never be done…
And if you hang me, on a cruel tree.
My God in heaven will set me free…
I am a carpenter, but I don’t work for thee!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill 9.20.2015©



Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the Lord for guidance.
1 Samuel 8:6New Living Translation (NLT)

G U I D A N C E –
God, U and I Dance!
I’ve cried off and on for two days, gentle tears but steady…I can sense her presence all around me. I miss her. So today I was reading something she wrote. Mom loved to take words, rearrange the letters and get a message from them…
Like my name. She looked at the word alarm on her alarm clock, rearranged the letters and came up with Marla. That was in 1954. There weren’t any names like that in Alabama when I was born. Today I have many friends, named, Marla. They are everywhere. LOL!
So in one of mom’s sermons she took the word guidance and saw in it…God U and I dance. I don’t know if she read it someplace or if she saw it herself. But however it was found, God brought it to my attention today.
Can you imagine dancing with God? When my boys were little I’d have them stand on top of my feet and we’d dance together to God’s music.
Today I will stand on top of my Father God’s feet, letting him lead, and guide me as I rest in his embrace. We will dance together all around His throne room. I will also imagine that my mom is dancing there even now and I will let that vision fill my heart with JOY, knowing all is well in the presence of God!
God together You and I Dance!
By: Marla Shaw O’Neill 9.20.2015©