Be Filled

As I was reading my Bible this morning I came across this information. I was prompted in my spirit to write it out and share it. Read it prayerfully and keep an...

Speak His Name

There is a name above all the rest When spoken, brings peace, and blessedness To those whose hearts are beckoning Him in Open up, and let life begin… A name the...

Come Drink

    Thank you for the rain, Papa… Pouring steady, upon our land, bringing fresh water delivered by your hand… As if you tipped the water pitcher and let it...

The Gift of Joy

I met a new friend today You may find him quiet unorthodox… But when I asked his name… He said, My name is Joy…I am known by you as a Blue Bird. Also as the blu...

The Request

  There is a love you cannot buy, sell or trade It’s a love only God has made… He took it from his own flesh, a rib Then placed it beside him to give… Nurt...


Quiet my soul… Embraced and hugged, as I behold Him who stood up from his throne… To welcome me to my final home… Entering a garden, flowers all in bloom ...

Faith Full Tree

  Faith-Full Tree My early morning musings today were really remarkable; they always are when I have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. There is a tree in ...