Praise Ye the Lord

 When the doldrums, ho-hums, oh-my’s and the oh-why’s come calling~ Send in the new-drums, the Ah-ha’s and the victory cry’s and lift your eyes, to the one who ...


When words are spoken you can’t see them… You can hear them You can understand them You can think them You can write them But you can’t see them when they are s...

High Praise…

Papa… Papa… Oh Papa…Jehovah…Elohim… El Shaddai… I adore you. There is no one like you… Your love surpasses the depths and heights and widths of the universes…th...

Hello My Name is God

Hey you…yeah you…the one reading this. You thought it was by accident that you came across this blog but it’s not…someone has been praying for…someone has seen ...

God I Surrender

Life is hard The road often steep and rocky Up and down and all around we go… And even though We know… We do not walk alone… Often the circumstances cause us to...