Come to The Well of Refreshing
Lowly traveler, how far you’ve come, how far you’ve yet to go Thirsty and hot, tired and abandoned, your journey of innumerable steps, as you trek, here below… ...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
Lowly traveler, how far you’ve come, how far you’ve yet to go Thirsty and hot, tired and abandoned, your journey of innumerable steps, as you trek, here below… ...
Dedicated to Grace Nealis! When you’re standing in the heat of the battle, strength almost gone Hold on…Hold on… It’s God who fights for you. When your facing g...
Rachel is on our prayer team at Journey Church. Our team meets before the third service and we pray together. Rachel’s in a wheel chair. She’s intelligent and b...
Artist Shawna Erback I search far and wide waiting for you to come I catch a glimpse, a quick look but it’s only from A distance and you’re gone… Day after day,...
Artist Unknown King of kings and Lord of lords… Love him, praise him, worship and Adore… He is the High King… A crown of glory adorns his head Glorious light to...
Artist Unknown The wind blows and gently caresses the atmosphere… A mighty-rushing-wind, tears through cities, towns, over mountains and through valleys, it can...
Saved, forgiven, changed and set free… But really? Open my eyes, open my ears, Lord help me believe… I’ve carried, shame and guilt like a ball and chain Hidden ...
Artist Kerolos Safwat. “This is my VERY fave pic of seeing Jesus for the first time! Most pics are sweet and humbling. I get it. But this! This is exactly how I...
At my granddaughter, Lydia’s third birthday party, I watched as little children played on a water slide. They played and laughed, slid down the slide landing in...
Head thrown back with arms wide open Dancing in fields of rainbows… Burst of sunbeams rushing about Singing at the top of my lungs with no restraints, I SHOUT!!...