In His Presence

Listening to the Spirit’s call, Come, let’s talk awhile I close my eyes and looking up, I pause, and then I smile… Speaking to my precious LORD, I open my heart...

It’s Time

It is wonderful to celebrate and have fun but this morning as I was going about my tasks I sensed in my spirit, that the Holy Spirit was saying… “Get back to th...

Reflecting on 2019

Artist: Rik Berry This year is coming to a close and as it does, I’m reminded of many things that happened this year. I don’t remember exactly the order in whic...

On the Mantle

It was there sitting on the mantel, painted in muted hues of browns, the tattered linen of a poor family huddled together for all to admire. A representation of...

The Old Dead Tree

The tree was bare, and lifeless, the dead limbs just about to fall Standing all alone in a place deserted it was not wanted at all… Me in my bare feet, missing ...


Who the son sets free, is free indeed! Today, the word, Freedom, has been impressed upon my mind. This past weekend I attended a conference called, Freedom. I’m...