Hear What the Spirit of the Lord is Saying to His Children

Artist unknown
Seeking God this afternoon he gave me a message for His children. I believe it is to be shared. Please, I don’t want any negative feedback I just ask that you read it more than once and take it to the Lord. Let him speak to your heart and if it applies to any area of your life, let Him reveal it to you and make things right with Him.
If it doesn’t apply to you, then please pray for others who may need the message. Thank you!
Is anything to hard for me? saith God~
No! No! Nothing is too hard! I formed the world. I shaped it with my hands! I called forth the stars and the galaxies~
I created the heavens with these words, “Let there be~”
I spoke life and I formed the cells, the organs, the muscles and ligaments of the body. I made veins and arteries and caused the blood to flow~
I created the heart and the brain and all that makes up the human body. Then I breathed my breath, my holy breath, and gave the body a living soul!
Why do you lament? Why do you cry in anxiety and fear? Why do you wallow in self-pity and doubt my word?
I formed every living molecule, everything that lives, I created.
Where were you when time began? You’ve only been here for a short time on this earth. You are like the grass; here today and gone tomorrow. Yes, you will leave this earth behind and you will be in the grave!
What can you, do?
Can you raise the sun or put it down again?
Can you stop time or start it?
Can you create a living being or grow anything without my seed?
So why?
Why do you destroy and make wars amongst yourselves?
Why do you hate and prejudice yourself against each other?
I have loved you and love you.
You shake your fist at me and blame me for your sicknesses and wars and lies and hurts!
You accuse those I send and think you know best!
I never, ever wanted pain and suffering for you!
I sent my own Son to give you, new-life, still you reject him and kill him over and over again by your unbelief and hate for one another~
I’m not speaking to the unbeliever right now. I’m talking to you, my children!
Rebellious, self-righteous, prideful, stiff-necked children!
Stop it!
Stop it! says the Lord!
Or I will come and take my mercy from you! You’ve never seen the wrath I will pour out on you like I will bring.
I’m ashamed of you! I love you but I’m ashamed because you fight your own brothers and sisters, who I made in my image. You say you’re doing my will but you are far from me.
You’re playing right into the enemy’s hands. He’s deceived you! He’s blinded you by All media avenues and you have not discerned it by my Spirit.
You look with your eyes~
You give yourself over to the spirit of iniquity for hours. You practice idolatry perversions and call it OK! It is not OK!
Your children are watching. The world is watching and laughing at you!
“Look!” they say. “They call themselves Christ followers but Christ wouldn’t act that way.”
Even the unsaved know better!
You justify your behavior by saying, “I am right and they are wrong!”
You’re both wrong!!!
There is only one right! But you’ve forgotten who I AM!
I have shown mercy and grace because of my remnant… the true ones who worship me in Spirit and in Truth!
The ones who are praying for you even now for your repentance. You know, who you are! And if you don’t know, if there is any doubt in your heart, now is the time to get up off your hindquarters, get on your face before me and seek me!!
Stop doing what you’re doing and come back to me.
Walk in My righteousness~ in my love~ and in my truth!
Not what you think, or, someone else thinks!
Your mind and your mouth are what have gotten you into trouble~
The enemy has whispered lies to you and you listen because you are not walking in faith. Your eyes and your ears of flesh will misguide you if you do not keep them on me.
You walk in your own authority and not in the authority my Son has given you.
If you ever want to have peace again, if you ever want to see your families restored and have my favor again. If you want America restored and respected and live with hope and a future…
It’s time to come to me in humility and with a contrite heart. I resist the proud, but I give grace to the humble.
Hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying~
Stop what you are doing and return to me. Says God!
Marla Shaw O’Neill January 7, 2021
Hebrews 12:6-11 The Message
4-11 In this all-out match against sin, others have suffered far worse than you, to say nothing of what Jesus went through—all that bloodshed! So, don’t feel sorry for yourselves. Or have you forgotten how good parents treat children, and that God regards you as his children?
My dear child, don’t shrug off God’s discipline,
but don’t be crushed by it either.
It’s the child he loves that he disciplines;
the child he embraces, he also corrects.
God is educating you; that’s why you must never drop out. He’s treating you as dear children. This trouble you’re in isn’t punishment; it’s training, the normal experience of children. Only irresponsible parents leave children to fend for themselves. Would you prefer an irresponsible God? We respect our own parents for training and not spoiling us, so why not embrace God’s training so we can truly live? While we were children, our parents did what seemed best to them. But God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God’s holy best. At the time, discipline isn’t much fun. It always feels like it’s going against the grain. Later, of course, it pays off handsomely, for it’s the well-trained who find themselves mature in their relationship with God.
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4