Artist Unknown
King of kings and Lord of lords…
Love him, praise him, worship and Adore…
He is the High King…
A crown of glory adorns his head
Glorious light to all is spread
When we accept our daily bread
By his words our hearts are fed…
Sitting upon the mercy seat
Earth, his footstool, resting his feet…
Interceding on our behalf
Full of joy our Redeemer laughs…
He laughs at the enemy who tries to steal
Our souls and God’s perfect will…
But the enemy cannot, for Jesus defeated him and fulfilled
All when he died on Golgotha’s hill
Three days he spent conquering death and hell
Taking the keys, the story tells…
First fruits of the resurrection, ringing the bell…
All hail, the High King his promises true
Tarry in Jerusalem until you, be endued…
With Power by the Holy Ghost and Fire
Then Go to all nations, to them inspire…
Salvation has come, if you’ll only receive
Ask Jesus to save you and then believe…
By faith and grace, you’re a child of the High King…
Embrace His Love for He is everything!
Then you will be one of His anointed kings…
To rule and reign in His Kingdom, sing…
He is Lord, of lords,
He is, the High King!
My praises, LORD, to thee I bring
Nothing less, but all of me
Before your throne
Majestic High King!
Poem Written by~Marla Shaw O’Neill August 13, 2019
1 Timothy 6:15 King James Version (KJV) Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;