Tear Down the Wall

Artist Unknown
I’ve been in a dry place ever since my challenge with my heart “stuff.” I found it difficult to pray. I prayed but there was no feeling…I was simply praying by faith…no frills, no chills no thrills…I couldn’t feel anything…I’d talk to God and it seemed as though he was a thousand miles away…which I know isn’t true because he cannot lie…and he said, he would never leave me nor forsake me…it felt as if I was engulfed in a tomb…brink walls surrounding me…I remember my grandmother telling a minister one time… “Lord, tear those brick walls down.” And he did…
I remembered the saying, “The teacher is always quiet during the test.” So I’d say, Lord I know you are here but I can’t feel you. Please help me pass this test. We don’t go by feelings we walk by faith not by sight. But still it bothered me. I’d try to worship, sing, pray, read my bible, but all desire had come to a standstill and I did not like that at all!
It was awful…then on Friday I began to have a bit of a breakthrough…I was driving and I screamed…MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No matter how old you get, you still miss your mom…well most people do! I miss mine every single day. All I can do is keep living one day at a time.
Then I remembered that while I was at my son Abram’s house I was sleeping, Bob was away for a job and I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Everything is going to be OK, BE STRONG!” Well that set off a bunch of alarms…what do you mean Lord…is something “bad” going to happen…is Bob going to be OK? Are my children safe? All the doubts started flying through my brain…but I had to give it to the Lord and not let fear or anxiety take over…that’s just what the enemy would want…I wasn’t going to fall for that one…
Last Friday I remembered what the Lord had said…then I got it…OH, that’s why you were warning me to be strong…he knew I was going to be going through the test…
Last night I could not sleep so I got my kindle and began to read different things…one was a book about the power of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues…now I know some of you don’t believe in speaking in tongues and that’s OK I’m praying for you. LOL! But I know what I have is real, at the age of 11/12 praying for the gift and Jesus saying to me, seek the giver of the gift not the gift…I was a kid what did I know…and 3 ½ hours later still praying in heavenly languages…I know He’s real…so a person with an experience has nothing to fear from someone with an opinion…or so the saying goes…any-hoo…I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “Pray in the Spirit!” Pray in your prayer language…so I did, quietly so not to disturb Bob who was sleeping like a baby…bless his heart he has to get up early and go to work…let me add he is a good man and I love him dearly!
Then I read some more…it was about 2:30 in the morning…and still sleep would not come…but God was showing me some things…and I didn’t fight it…finally I was getting somewhere and it was heavenly…number one, I had to repent for letting distractions come in and take me away from drawing close to the Lord. Not just microwave repentance…I had to humble myself, get real with God and really mean what I was repenting about it has to come from deep within the heart and soul…God is God and he knows when we are just trying to get by with something…one thing about God is you can’t fool him…He knows us all too well…
I read one book about antichrist and it talked about Artificial Intelligence, (AI). For the first time in history we are living in a world where AI is used and now because of this the antichrist could come from that. But I’m not going into that right now.
I thought about the Holy Spirit, and that He is Holy that’s why he’s called Holy Spirit…and how we so often, as people, just take for granted who He is…then there’s people who are afraid of Holy Spirit but it’s because of ignorance and lack of getting to know Him…He is the most gentle, loving, kind, person of God that you would every want to know. He’s the teacher, counselor, guide, healer, deliverer, and so much more!
I perceived a person standing in front of an angry, hungry LION (the devil) he’s roaring about to devour the person and they, supposedly, a Christian, full of God on the prayer team of their local church, a pillar in the community and outstanding Bible Scholar, mature in the Lord and devoted husband/wife; looks at the Lion and says…in a weak, lowly voice, “now you just go on your way, don’t eat me, I belong to God!” One gulp and the person is devoured…where was the anointing? Where was the power? They had been taught that the power of the Holy Ghost had gone out with the early Christians…wait…what? That’s another lie of Satan.
We are living in the most critical time of history…Satan is real…Hell is real…Heaven is real…God is real…but in today’s society what’s more real to people is their Superhero’s…crying so hysterically over a fictitious character that a woman has to be sent to the hospital…people fighting over a movie spoiler with such hate because someone told them the outcome of the movie, and these are character’s that are not even real…now I’m not saying you can’t watch a movie or get excited about it and I don’t like to know what happened either before I see it…but when the movie is more important than showing kindness to others, and it becomes more real than the true and living God, something is really wrong…
Where are our priorities? Where are our hearts? I’m talking to the body of Christ…do we even know the difference anymore between what’s real and what’s fake? No wonder our world is broken…who will stand up and be bold and say…God Has said…? Who will tarry in the altars for the in filling of the Holy Spirit and Fire? Who will pray, with anointed, delivering prayers that sets people free from addictions, and heals marriages, and saves souls from destruction and lies? Who will stand in the face of the enemy and shout… “I rebuke you Satan you have to GO in the name of Jesus.” Not in our own strength but in the authority of Jesus Christ, he will back us up…and the angry, hungry LION will turn and run in fear!!!!!
So as I was listening to the Holy Spirit he said, “Antichrist” means against the anointed…
Christ (Greek) means, (the anointed one) anointed…anti (Greek) means, against…
The Holy Spirit will teach you, equip you. He will give you discernment to do the, what, when, where and how…don’t let the devil bully you. Put on the full armor of God…and stand child of God…knowing you are not standing alone…you’ve got the Creator of heaven, His Devoted Son and Fire of the Holy Spirit backing you up…and the Holy angels…so do not fear…do not be afraid…know the WORD OF GOD and walk in the Holy Spirit and you will overcome!!!
And next time you hear antichrist…know this is the spirit, that blasphemes God…it is against the anointed one.
Yeshua is coming…go, tarry in God’s presence until you are filled with the Holy Spirit and Fire…He has the Power by His Spirit to cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead…preach the Good News in every tribe and nation…fan the fire children of God…Rise Up and Be For the Living God…He is the best superhero you could ever encounter…because He is Real!!! Amen and Amen!!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill May 6, 2019
(John said) I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Matthew 3:11 KJV
“I have told you these things while I am still with you. But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] John 14:25-17 (AMP)
And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Isaiah 10:27 KJV
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4


  1. I believe every think is going to be OK, BE ATRONG! (TRUE) We shall not allow anxiety to take over ( as you said) He will rebuke Satan and turn back the angry Lion. No fear, with the holy spirit we will overcome again as you said. Holy Spirit is the most gentle loving kind person of God. He is Healer deliverer, as you said and so much more. Let us pray for Healing!!!

    Thanks for another wonderful piece.


  2. God is the ONLY superhero we should ever have in our lives. Marla, you pegged so much that is wrong with our current culture; those whose voices shout the loudest are unbelievers. We must drown out that noise with love and prayer, always. God loves them, too, and wants them to come around to Him. It is only through our prayers that they stand a chance.

    1. You are so right Martha but there is a spirit of antichrist in the world it’s been around since the beginning…we pray for lost souls, certainly and fervently…thank you for your wisdom and for your prayers…together we can put ten thousand to flight…amen in Jesus Name!! xo <3

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