Pray Like Jesus


Written on September 24, 2018
About six months ago I prayed, “Holy Spirit, draw me closer to Jesus. Reveal more of Jesus to me.”
Last Thursday morning I heard in my spirit, “Pray like Jesus.”
Then all day Thursday the thought kept coming to me, “Pray like Jesus.” Then that night we went to a small group meeting. Jorge, he’s the speaker, said, “We are going to study about prayer tonight.” I opened my eyes real wide and looked at Bob; I had told Bob what I had heard that morning. He looked at me and said, “I know.”
Then the next day, I opened my Kindle to read and the title of a book was there it was called, “Pray like Jesus.” More confirmation.
So I ordered the book and began to read it. It said if we model our prayers after Jesus, two things will happen:
  1. We will become more effective in our prayers. and
  2. More importantly, we come closer to God!
So my prayer that I had prayed six months ago was being answered.
Today is October 1, 2018; I received a text with an article called, Teach Us to Pray: The Class We Never Graduate From, by Corey Russell. (Thanks Barbara)
The Holy Spirit really has my attention now…
Prayer is the most important action we can do as a Christian. Jesus knew the importance of prayer he was in constant communion with His Father and we should take it as seriously as He does.
It was not a one way conversation. God also spoke to His son and he talks to us if we will open our hearts and listen.
You can talk to Him about anything and everything and He will reply. It starts with being honest and vulnerable. Bearing your soul to an unseen God…it can be strange and awkward at first but as you get to know Him more and more by reading His book and talking to him…He begins to show you exactly who He is and how very much He loves you.
Don’t be afraid. Don’t be shy. Just get alone with your Bible and ask Him to show you how to pray and before long you’ll wonder how you ever got along without Him.
Pray like Jesus…Jesus didn’t scream…or yell…although His word says that sometimes He did speak in a loud voice…but that was to emphasize His point to the Scribes and Pharisees. Jesus did not approve of hypocrites.
He didn’t showoff, when He talked to His father. He often went to the desert to be alone to pray or, to a mountainside by Himself. He would talk to His Father and do whatever His Father told Him to do.
There’s no big mystery about praying. There’s no magical conditions…you don’t have to use big, poetic words. You don’t have to fold your hands and bow your head, although it’s ok if you do. All you have to do is just talk to Him from your heart. Be honest with him and just be you.
When you read Genesis it talks about God walking with Adam in the cool of the day. He wants to be a part of our lives. He talked to Moses through a burning bush He knew how to get his attention. He talked to John the revelator through visions. He didn’t want to scare John but He had some important things to show him. God longs to talk to His children. Just as we parents love to have good conversations with our children. He’s interested in what we like and how we live and who we love and what our hearts desires are. He wants to be a part of our lives and teach us amazing things and do wonderful things for us. He is a good-good Father.
Don’t be afraid, just talk to Him and you’ll see, He’s absolutely awesome to hang out with…He’s funny and creative. He’s loving and confident. Yes, He is magnificent…the God of the Universe…but He is not someone to fear. Respect yes, but not to be afraid of. Not when you know Him. And we can know Him through Jesus.
Pray like Jesus…
Our father
Who art in heaven…
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven…
Give us this day
Our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine, is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory
Forever…Matthew 6:9-13
~Marla Shaw O’Neill October 1, 2018

Jesus prayed to His Father with reverence, in simple language, in an orderly way, while full of faith and confidence, and having an ultimate concern for God’s glory.

Ten characteristics of Jesus’ prayer:

1) He prayed with His eyes open
2) Prayed with others
3) Prayed to His Father
4) Prayed with reverence
5) Prayed with simple language
6) Prayed in an orderly way
7) Prayed as one with much experience
8) Prayed with a confident faith
9) Jesus told God things that God already knew
10) Prayed with a concern for God’s glory

(From Nathan Rages)

I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4


  1. Thank you for inspiring writing. Yes Marla, God id is a good…. Good father who listens to his children. He is listening to me. I feel him. Even though he knows i do not use poetic words to pray to him.

    1. Amen Taff. All God wants is our heart full of love for him and for others. He hears you and He loves you so, so much!! You are an inspiration and a delight not only to him but to your brothers and sisters in Christ and to your family and friends!! Keep looking up! Keep believing! God has good things for you!!

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