Is your soul parched and dry…the heat of the sun causing cracks in the ground, no life in the hardened heart, because of dehydration? Is your mind racing, searching for something, wondering, but you don’t understand why?
You’re dizzy and numb, looking for truth but living lies? You’re so thirsty that your mouth is like the sand of the desert…the mirage of false hope keeps you staggering along the wayside? You struggle but nothing is real, you can’t even cry…
The grave looks good, so why even try?
Do you fill empty, and lost? Like quick-sand you’re in a bog, sucked down in unreachable places, where no one sees and no one cares, you’re in a dark, bottomless pit…
Alone in the night you cry and sit?
Wandering in the daylight, you wear a disguise which perfectly fits…
Your smile is plastic …you’re the jester, the clown; pretending on the outside, but inside you, frown?
The water of this world is polluted, it looks good, but you’re deluded…
Come with me, I’ll show you where the living waters flow…where you’ll never thirst again…I know of an artesian well, but it’s not a place…and you’ll want to dwell; forever in these waters…
There is a mighty, rushing river, where living waters flow, giving life along the river-banks and everywhere it goes…this river goes far and wide, beyond stars and moon into heaven’s skies…it floods the earth from north, south, east and west…bringing with it peace and rest…one drink from this river and you’ll never thirst again…dive into the river and let new life begin.
You see, Jesus is the river of life, he promised if you’d believe in him that rivers of living waters would flow, from your belly and even though…you may find it quite unusual, just open your heart and let them flow…you’ll never be the same, after drinking these waters in Jesus name…Jesus is standing, hear him proclaim… “COME TO ME AND DRINK…LET THE LIVING WATERS FLOW…
Life, peace, purpose, light, kindness, fullness of joy and revealing sight…I am the river of life…”
If you are thirsty, come and drink the living water of Christ!
When you believe in Jesus and come to him and drink, he promises that Out of your belly…YOUR BELLY, will flow rivers of living water…touching, restoring, transforming, giving hope to other thirsty souls, who once just like you want to be made whole….in Jesus name, come and drink…
~Marla Shaw O’Neill May 24, 2018
A Definition of artesian well. 1 : a well in which water is under pressure; especially : one in which the water flows to the surface naturally. 2 : a deep well.
John 7:37-38 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
Now in the last and great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
He that believeth in me, as saith the Scripture, out of his belly shall flow rivers of water of life.