The Illusion

Hypnotized by a tiny screen…
We waste away, from this gift, called day…
We scroll, hit like and love and cry…
Pulled into the illusion…
Thinking other’s lives are better somehow…
As we stare into an unknown reality, like the gaze of a curious cow…
Minutes become hours; we’re addicted to the tiny screen…
Pulled deeper into the deep, black hole, believing it’s a cosmic dream…
We’re like faded flowers stuck in a vase…
Expressions fade upon each face…
Trapped together in a timeless place, where no one wins, and there is no end…
Round and round and round we go, to Never, Never-Land!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill March 30, 2024
Romans 13:12 New International VersionThe night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.

From a Garden to an Empty Tomb

They took him from the garden, where he had lamented and prayed. Like a thief in the night, betrayed by a kiss, soldiers led him away.
They took him to be beaten, 39 stripes cut through his back, leaving wounds in his body the pain was so unbearable but no soothing ointment was offered. His blood poured out from the gapping cracks.
There were no joyful Hosannah’s in the highest, no songs of praise could be heard. Instead, voices cried out all the more, “Crucify Him, He is not our Lord!”
Beneath the weight of a heavy cross, he stumbles and cannot walk…a man standing in the crowd is made to help him, there were no words he could not talk…
In the garden where life first began and sin had seemingly won… now stands a humble, beaten, unrecognizable man, they did not accept him as God’s son.
They shoved a crown of thorns into his head. Nailed his hands and feet, laughed and scorned and tore his beard out of his face, hanging naked, he was disgraced.
Far from the garden where he had prayed, not my will but thine be done…He cried out, “It is finished.” Satan believed he had won.
Taken to a deep, dark, cave, they laid the savior in a rich man’s grave…and for three days, that’s where he stayed.
On the first day of the week, women along with Mary came to see the place they had laid the Lord, But the stone had been rolled away, then Mary heard the angel say, “Do not be afraid, I know that you seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: He is Risen, just as he had said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Now go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead, he is going to Galilee; you will see him there.
From a garden to an empty tomb, God sent His son! The tomb is empty just as he said, You see, the Lord is Risen, He is not dead!
All who believe and trust in Him, new life will begin, again!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill March 26, 2024


Matthew 27-28 King James Version:
27 When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:
And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor.
Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that.
And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.
And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in.
Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day.
Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;
10 And gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed me.
11 And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.
12 And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing.
13 Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
14 And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marveled greatly.
15 Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would.
16 And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.
17 Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
21 The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas.
22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
26 Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified.
27 Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers.
28 And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.
29 And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
30 And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head.
31 And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him.
32 And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross.
33 And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull,
34 They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink.
35 And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots.
36 And sitting down they watched him there;
37 And set up over his head his accusation written, This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews.
38 Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left.
39 And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads,
40 And saying, Thou that destroys the temple, and builds it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
41 Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said,
42 He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him.
43 He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
44 The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth.
45 Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
47 Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man calleth for Elias.
48 And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink.
49 The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.
50 Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
51 And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent;
52 And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
54 Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.
55 And many women were there beholding afar off, which followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto him:
56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedees children.
57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple:
58 He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be delivered.
59 And when Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth,
60 And laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn out in the rock: and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulchre, and departed.
61 And there was Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, sitting over against the sepulchre.
62 Now the next day, that followed the day of the preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate,
63 Saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again.
64 Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day, lest his disciples come by night, and steal him away, and say unto the people, He is risen from the dead: so the last error shall be worse than the first.
65 Pilate said unto them, Ye have a watch: go your way, make it as sure as ye can.
66 So they went, and made the sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and setting a watch.
28 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.
And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men.
And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.
And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciple’s word.
And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.
12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,
13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
14 And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.
15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
17 And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
18 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

Mustard Seed Faith

The Master, sitting among his disciples’.
Their hearts still full of doubt.
He speaks to them in parables, hoping they’ll understand what he’s talking about.
Shaded under the big old tree, he begins, “Oh ye of little faith!”
Then using this analogy, he shows them a tiny seed.
Do you not know that from this tiny seed, the tree you rest under has grown?
Faith the size of this tiny seed, can deliver you, if you’ll only believe.
Listening in awe and wonder their eyes open wide, “Oh Master why have we doubted you?
Jesus, help us always to abide. With faith this size, we now realize, the power is not in us.
It’s believing in you with all our hearts, that we must live and trust.
Showing us the tiny seed and how it’s grown into this magnificent tree.
There is nothing we can’t accomplish if we, simply, have faith and believe.
To remain planted in your mighty word. Watered and nurturing what we have heard,
will produce an insurmountable multitude of faith here, on earth.
Your kingdom come; Your will be done,” They prayed and all agreed…
“We’ll use the faith that has been planted here from this tiny seed.”
The mustard seed is just a seed, until it’s planted and watered, then it begins to grow.
One life touched from a tiny seed, produces possibilities when we believe, even though we cannot see, if we’ll just have faith as tiny as a mustard seed.
“For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain move from here to there, and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20-21
~Marla Shaw O’Neill March 21, 2024
How big is the tree from a mustard seed? 20-30 feet
The mustard seed is very tiny; 1-2 millimeters in diameter, yet when fully grown, the tree can be as tall as 20-30 feet with branches and leaves spanning across another 20 feet circumference. The magnificence of the mustard tree is not really in the height but in how wide the branches can span.
What is the spiritual meaning of the mustard seed? Our faith can become a source of strength and reliance for others, even if it starts as small as a mustard seed. The mustard seed serves as a profound reminder of the transformative power of faith. It teaches us that with unwavering belief, we can conquer the seemingly impossible and inspire those around us.

Let me Introduce you to My Best Friend

The little girl was frightened, alone in the dark.
Mommy and daddy fighting until they broke apart.
Her six long years brought many tears, but there came a tiny spark…
Hearing about Jesus’ love, she wanted him to fill, her heart.
In a little, rural, church, where she walked to each week, she heard the story about a shepherd, compassionate and meek.
She had heard about hell and the demons; this caused her great distress…
But then she heard the story where Jesus could clean up all your mess.
Feeling unloved, rejected, alone and not good enough…the little girl cried in
The preacher talked about this man, God’s Only Begotten Son…
How he could live inside your heart and give you eternal life and when it’s done,
You won’t feel abandoned, or lost, because Jesus paid the ultimate cost, and won!
He said, “I’ll never leave you and I’ll never forsake you. I’ll be with you always.”
The little girl’s heart began to beat very fast. She sang with the others, “Just as I am without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me and that thou bid me come to thee, O Lamb of God I come, I come.”
Then she took the long walk down the aisle to where the preacher stood.
Tears streaming down her cheeks, “Pastor sir, I’d like to meet, this Jesus you talked about today.
I want to be loved the way he loves. I want to be born again, free from heartache and sin. Can you introduce me to this kind, caring, loving man. I promise I’ll live for him and love my mommy and daddy and my brother and my sister. I’ll be a good girl. Do you think Jesus could love me and want me?”
The preacher stood there, tears streaming down his face! “Little girl, Jesus loves you. Why, you’re the reason he came to this earth. He knew you’d be here today; he wants to save you and give you new-birth and to be your very best friend!”
Just say these words, “Lord Jesus, come into my heart, forgive me of all my sins, wash me and cleanse me and make me brand new. I’ll live for you, all the days of my life. Amen!”
The little girl said all the words and when she was through…
A smile as big as the sun was shining on her face…all the burdens she carried were lifted, she felt as light as a feather. The darkness faded in the light. Jesus made all things bright. She had no more fear. Her heart was filled with such love and joy she skipped all the way back to her seat. She wanted to tell everyone; Jesus’ love is oh so sweet!
On the walk home, she sang, “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so, little ones to Him belong, they are weak, but He is strong! Yes, Jesus loves me~ yes, Jesus loves me~ yes, Jesus loves me~ the Bible tells me so.”
“By the way,” the little girl shouted, “JESUS LOVES YOU TOO! LET ME INTRODUCE YOU TO MY VERY BEST FRIEND! This is not the end; I’m just getting started!”
Just say, “YES!”
To be continued…
~Marla Shaw O’Neill March 11, 2024
John 15:14-16 New Living Translation You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.
Romans 10:9-10 New Living Translation If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved.
Hebrews 13:5 King James Version Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.

Crossroads – The Sin – The Blood

The road we were traveling on was rough and needed repair. The surroundings were twilight with a sinister atmosphere. There were no other cars on the road. To the right of us was an ocean. I couldn’t see to the left. Suddenly, a huge tire came rolling past us, it was the size of a semi-truck. I could see the tire was old and worn out. There were bulges and tears as it rolled along down the bumpy road. It must have traveled many miles. Then it stopped and a man got out. He was dark skinned. His face was bloody and scarred. His hair was matted, and his clothes were worn-out and dirty. He looked as if he had been through a war zone. We got out of our car, and he simply stared at us. He said he was on his way to find his woman, whom he described was as lost as he looked. His voice was coarse as he struggled to breathe to tell us these words. He said, “My daddy always said that there were two things always in the room, sin and blood!” I told him, “You have a choice.”
Then I woke up.
I laid there for quite some time thinking about what he said. “Sin and Blood are always in the room.”
I thought about life. When we’re young we have our whole lives ahead of us and the choices we make reveal the different roads we have taken. Choosing sin, takes us down a broken, shattered, dark road. It is almost impossible to get off that road. When we choose to sin, our lives are full of pain, torment, hate, loss, sickness, betrayal, and regret, it’s misery. We not only hurt ourselves, but we hurt everyone around us. There is only one way off that road.
There was a man who shed his Blood known as the Son of God! People think that choosing the blood seems harder, not as fun and it seems that not a lot of people make that choice.
Testimony after testimony of those who have chosen the blood talk about how their lives were changed for the better. They tell about unspeakable joy even in the worst heartache. There is peace that goes beyond understanding in chaos. Love, true love is expressed in a multitude of ways that lasts. It doesn’t fade. It’s not fake and the ones who chose the blood do not abandon you or judge you. There is Hope for a better tomorrow. Forgiveness is a constant. Because the blood paves a narrow road where Jesus walked and told us that nothing can pluck us from His Mighty Hand. We have an inheritance with the King of kings and Lord of lords.
It’s a choice.
The thing is, when the transgressor chooses sin, they are tormented and broken all their lives. When they die, they take all of that hurt and pain and torment with them into eternity. There is then, No Escape!
But if the transgressor chooses the blood of Jesus by faith, they will be washed and live, lives in freedom. Knowing that when they die, they take all of that Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, and Forgiveness into eternity with them.
God has an enemy and anyone who choses God, will also have the same enemy. He deceives you and wants you to think that sin will bring you happiness and fun and fortune, fame and a wonderful life, but it’s a façade. It’s a hook, an anchor that keeps you on a treadmill of deception and betrayal and death.
Once he deceives you there is only one thing that can deliver you, redeem you. It’s the Blood of Jesus. Only he can save you from that enemy! Rescue only comes through the blood! The Holy Spirit draws the hearts of people to the light of truth, the way and the life! There is no other way! When you’re in darkness you can’t see how truly dark it is…but a tiny spark of light given by the Light of the World, Jesus, is all it takes to draw you into that light! The choice is yours! All you have to do is give him your heart. Ask him by faith to come into your life, forgive you of your sins and then live for Him!
Sin or Blood; which will you choose?
I believe I had that dream so that I would share this message with you! Make the right choice while you still can.
Don’t wait!
Do it now!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill February 20, 2024
John 3:16-17 King James VersionFor God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
Matthew 26:28 New International VersionThis is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
 1 Peter 4:8 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition – Above all things have intense and unfailing love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins [forgives and disregards the offenses of others].
Matthew 7:13-14 New International Version – The Narrow and Wide Gates“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

He’ll Part the Waters

The children of Israel were trapped at the Red Sea. There was no human escape. They were cut- off. The Egyptians were about to attack and then God with a BLAST OF HIS NOSTRILS, opened the sea, and they passed through on dry ground. So great was their gratitude to God that they could not contain themselves. Moses and the children of Israel broke out into song. (Exodus 15).
 It was the song of redemption~
The song of the soul set free~
 The world can make a noise but only those who have experienced God’s Grace in Salvation can truly Sing a Song of Deliverance!
 October 31, 2001, my mama wrote those words in one of her journals. It has been Twenty-three years. God is faithful! Mom didn’t know I’d read those words when she wrote them, but God is still using her even to this day to encourage. Words are eternal. Thank you, Jesus, that I had a mother that walked, talked and lived her life for Jesus. She wasn’t perfect, she made a lot of mistakes, but the latter part of her life was lived, to edify Jesus and to encourage as many souls as she could to come to Jesus.
Today I was singing and praying about something, that is a Red Sea in front of me. I poured my heart out, to my Papa God; he is the only one who can move this, Sea. I opened my eyes and saw the journal sitting there and read what was written on the page. I knew God would do it again!
Life is full of trials, sickness, setbacks, disappointments, heartache and trouble. But Jesus said, In the world you will have trouble, but be of Good Cheer, For I have overcome the world!
We have a choice, when the enemy is at our back, and there’s no way of escape going forward, and we cry out to God, Save Us! He opens the seas with a mighty wind and does the impossible for us. Why? Because He loves us and wants the very best for His children! “Do Not Fear, and do not be afraid, for the Lord your God in the midst of you is Mighty and He will Save!”
He will either remove the sea, so you can walk through on dry land, or he’ll cause you to walk on the water! Have faith in God!
With man it is impossible. But with God All things are impossible!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill February 13, 2024
Habakkuk 3:17-19 New King James VersionA Hymn of Faith Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.
 Isaiah 41:10 New International VersionSo do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
John 16:33 New International Version “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
 Matthew 19:26 King James Version – But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

Rainbow Colors

Like the colors of the rainbow, God’s promise to us, He’ll keep us near, if we will simply trust.
God painted the skies blue, tranquil and sublime, giving stars, the moon and sun, a gracious place to shine.
Green, covers the earth with grass and trees and herbs of every kind, knowing life is precious He keeps us on His mind.
Splashing the earth with yellow like sunflowers following the sun, when we see their glory, we too must follow the Son.
With red in the sunsets, the clay and in the blood…the perfect sacrifice our Lord Jesus Christ.
Purple found on mountain tops, orange, in fruit that blooms, rainbows arch the sky, where you and I abide.
There are signs all around us, if we’ll open up our eyes…
Animals great and small, their fur fluffy and brown, beneath the rainbow frolic round and round.
We see Love, in the face of a child. Peace, in a nearby stream. Joy, in the light that shines, flowing through a sunbeam.
Hope, for each new day, singing as raindrops fall.
Like happy little children we laugh with glee and play…
Underneath the rainbow, we kneel down to pray…
Remembering God’s promise for tomorrow…
Listen! You’ll hear God say, “Always!”
~Marla Shaw O’Neill February 9, 2024
Genesis 9:16-17 New Living Translation When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.” Then God said to Noah, “Yes, this rainbow is the sign of the covenant I am confirming with all the creatures on earth.”


Running through darkness with nowhere to go
Year after year chased by grief, shame, guilt and woe…
The mask of a smile is worn, through each and every mile…
Pain and hurt are buried, deep within your broken heart, cloaked by silence, you weep!
Shattered pieces of shame and guilt,
Lies continue in the house you’ve built, inside, where no one sees.
You think you’re safe, but actions tell all…
And so, you run away to avoid the wrecking ball…
Saved by grace, you know better, but still…
The hurt persists and cannot be healed…
Forgiveness flows from the shattered, battered soul…
Freedom can only come, as you surrender, and let it go!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill January 31, 2024
Matthew 6:14 New King James Version “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”
 Psalm 34:18 New International Version – The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

A Little Girls Joy

A little girl was standing on her porch one afternoon.
Her mommy called to her through the window, “Honey it’ll be lunchtime soon.”
Bobby-Jean said, “Ok mommy.” As she came running into the room.
“Mommy, I heard the birds singing, it filled me with such joy, I joined right in, and sang my own little tune.”
“Sing it for me, Bobby-Jean.” Her mommy said with pride.
Bobby-Jean opened her heart and poured out her song that came flowing from deep inside.
I’ve never heard an angel sing, but the birdies with sweet melodies bring, joy that makes my little heart sing, all the way to heaven.
Jesus he, will join right in, singing over me.
Every day I’ll listen to, the birds’ sweet songs and sing along, hoping the angels know the song and then they too will sing along.
Jesus he, will join right in, singing over me.
“Bobby-Jean, what a lovely song. To think that Jesus sings with you and wondering if the angels too, sing along with you.”
“I’ve never heard an angel sing.” Mommy said with love.
“But baby, I know that if I did, they’d sound just like you.”
~Marla Shaw O’Neill January 26, 2024
Zephaniah 3:17 English Standard VersionThe Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

Now is the Time Don’t Delay

January 18, 2024
On January 9, 2024, I had a dream in the early morning hours. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me in my dream and he said, “Do you not hear the wind in the mulberry trees? I will come at a time you think not!”
I woke myself up praying in the tongues.
I lay there and listened to a mighty rushing wind blowing as debris hit the roof of our house. Through my curtains I could see lightning flashing off and on, like a camera flashing one after the other. I prayed softly, “Winds be calm! Peace be still!” And surprisingly the winds died down. But the storm continued. There had been tornado warnings all around us.
Later that day I told Bob about the dream. He said, he was having his zoom bible sturdy meeting with his friend Bob Eatman and that Bob was reading this book called The Great Disappearance, by Dr. David Jeremiah. I looked on my kindle and saw I had purchased it a while back, so I started reading it.
It talks about 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; John 14:3 and 1 Corinthians 15:52.
Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus, we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thess. 4:16-17).
Over the last several weeks, God has been showing me through different sources scriptures, books and people talking about Jesus’ return.
On January 7, 2024, my precious Aunt Rose at 89, went home to be with Jesus.
Bob and I attended her Celebration of Life on January 16. Karen, my cousin Randy’s wife, youngest son of Aunt Rose, asked if I would say a few words at the funeral along with Daphne, Aunt Rose’s granddaughter and Pastor Leon Jackson. Pastor Jackson used the very same scriptures in his sermon at the funeral that I read in the book. He has no knowledge of what God has been showing me.
Today, January 18, 2024, I was going through one of my mom’s journals and she had written, “We need the fresh wind of God to awaken us.”
There is a Wind blowing, it’s moving over the land, the mulberry trees are beginning to move…in order to hear the wind, we have to be tuned to the Spirit of God. He will come at a time we think not. Brothers, sisters are you AWAKE? Or are you sleeping? Are you READY? Or are you caught up in your own life and you don’t even think about Jesus’ Return!
WAKE UP! BE ALERT! The enemy has lulled you to sleep, causes distractions and all kinds of disturbances to keep you trapped in his web.
Don’t let Jesus’ return take you by surprise…
This life is fleeting, it will not last. Be on fire for God! Keep your lamps lit with fresh oil and fresh fire! Shake yourself and come alive!!
You don’t hear many sermons about Christ’s Return much anymore. God has not changed His mind concerning Jesus’ return. It is a living FACT HE IS COMING…
Look to the fig tree. There are signs everywhere…
The more Israel is seen in the news, know, the time is close at hand…
You may go the way of the grave before he returns, or you may be alive when he does…
One way or the other we who are Born again in the family of the Lord Jesus Christ will be resurrected with him.
Don’t miss it!
Ask Jesus to come into your heart and be born again.
One saying I read in the book, The Great Disappearance. “If you are born twice, you die once. But if you are born once, you will die twice.”
You do not want to be left behind in this world. It’s going to be a horrific time on the earth. Right now, while there is time ask Jesus to save you…
The wind is beginning to blow…the wind is in the mulberry trees…when you least expect it, Jesus will return and call the dead in Christ first and then the living who are His own will be caught up into heaven with him, far from the chaos that will be upon the earth.
It will be just as the days of Noah.
I’m not saying this to cause fear, although I hope it makes you afraid, afraid enough to believe and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior not out of fear, but of Love! Don’t think, “Oh, this has been said for two thousand years.” That’s true, it has, so don’t delay, time is getting closer and closer. Certain things need to be in place. But regardless of that. Death is certain. You will die. Where you spend eternity depends on the choice you make while living.
I’m pleading with you right now, in fact I’m begging you, for your sake and the sake of your children, don’t put off asking Jesus to come into your heart and make him the Lord and savior of your life. It’s because I love you so much, I’m sharing this with you. Most of all Jesus loves you!
But you can only get to heaven through one door and that door is Jesus Christ, the son of the Living God!
Do you sense that still small voice within you? That tugging in your heart? That is Holy Spirit gently tugging at you to come to Jesus while there is still time. Don’t delay or put it off…tomorrow may be too late!
Simply say, “Lord Jesus I’m sorry for my sins, come into my life, save me. I believe you are the son of God; you died for me and rose again. Be the Lord and Savior of my life and I will follow you all the days of my life. Amen!”
Read your Bible and pray often.  Attend a Church that teaches the word of God and follows Jesus Christ so that you will grow in the Lord! Be watchful for the Lord’s return. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your strength and with all your might! And love your neighbor as yourself. God bless you!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill, January 18, 2024
Matthew 24:37-44 The Message “The Arrival of the Son of Man will take place in times like Noah’s. Before the great flood everyone was carrying on as usual, having a good time right up to the day Noah boarded the ark. They knew nothing—until the flood hit and swept everything away.
“The Son of Man’s Arrival will be like that: Two men will be working in the field—one will be taken, one left behind; two women will be grinding at the mill—one will be taken, one left behind. So, stay awake, alert. You have no idea what day your Master will show up. But you do know this: You know that if the homeowner had known what time of night the burglar would arrive, he would have been there with his dogs to prevent the break-in. Be vigilant just like that. You have no idea when the Son of Man is going to show up.
Titus 3:5-Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Ephesians 2:8-9-For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Romans 10:9-That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Ephesians 2:8-For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
John 14:6-Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Acts 4:12-Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
John 6:44-No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.
2 Samuel 5:24 New King James Version – And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly.