2023 The Greatest Decision Ever Made
Today is December 30, 2022, we will not pass this way again. Just a day away New Year’s Eve. It was a few days ago we celebrated with family and friends the birth of the Savior, which by the way should be celebrated every moment of every day when he lives in your heart, most of us know that.
As I reflect on what may come, I look back over memories of past years. I can see many changes and yet many things are the same. What will 2023, bring? I have no idea, but my hope is in the only one who does know.
Jesus said,
“So, my counsel is: Don’t worry about things—food, drink, and clothes. For you already have life and a body—and they are far more important than what to eat and wear. Look at the birds! They don’t worry about what to eat—they don’t need to sow or reap or store up food—for your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Will all your worries add a single moment to your life?
“And why worry about your clothes? Look at the field lilies! They don’t worry about theirs. Yet King Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as beautifully as they. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won’t he more surely care for you, O men of little faith?
“So don’t worry at all about having enough food and clothing. Why be like the heathen? For they take pride in all these things and are deeply concerned about them. But your heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to.
“So, don’t be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time.” Matthew 6:25-34 Living Bible
If you don’t know the Savior, Jesus (Yeshua, his Hebrew name.) Let me say, the greatest thing you could ever do to start the New Year of 2023, is to ASK Jesus to come into your heart, believe that he is the son of God and proclaim him as the Lord and Savior of your Life!! It is by grace through faith that you become a child of the Living God! (Ephesians 2:8)
It’s not a religious act, or man-made concept. When you humble yourself before Him, not man, there will be an actual regeneration of your heart and the Holy Spirit will come into your being and you will be made brand new! It’s not a feeling although some feel all kinds of emotions. Kind of like when a newborn baby is born there is so much joy and peace and happiness! The sin life is gone and like the metamorphosis of the butterfly your changed!
You’re still you but different! The angels in heaven rejoice they celebrate like crazy a holy party takes place because one has been newborn! A new creation! And you’re the reason they are celebrating!
Find a Church that preaches the Word of God and become a student of the Word!
2023, can be the greatest days of your life! Listen! Do you feel that tug, it’s the Holy Spirit saying, “Come on I want you to meet Jesus!”
I hope and pray that all who read this message will come to know Jesus in a greater and deeper way than ever before. I pray that the Holy Spirit will draw all of us into a relationship so intimate and life changing that we will face this coming year with Courage, Strength and a Determination that will Rock the world around us! I pray that we will stand out, speak up, and live out the life Jesus has called us to! I pray that we will not run away from the enemy! That the Word of God will be preached more, there will be multitudes of salvations. I pray that Christians will love more, so much more, that it will transform our Nation! I pray that we will draw so close to God, we will hear his heartbeat, that we will resist the devil(s) that they will flee in every direction and that our Nation will truly be One Nation Under God!! I pray that “No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me, declares the Lord.” Isaiah 54:17
Trials and tests will come, but I pray that just as the early Church overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death, that we will once again be the Church Jesus has called us to be. The ‘called out ones.’ People are the Church, not a building or organization. It’s you and me, living and serving The King of kings and Lord of lords, in humility but that doesn’t mean weakness… For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! Praise God!!
Be alert and ready! God is on the move!! In the coming years when we look back on 2023, we will see just How Big! How Deep! How Wide! And how truly amazing our God is and was and is to come!! Amen
~Marla O’Neill December 30, 2022
Make Way for The New
As I look back over the last few days, I’m overwhelmed with a gazillion emotions. Memories of Christmas’s past and present bring tears of sadness and tears of joy. Moving forward I think about what the New Year will bring. Oh, I know we’re supposed to live in the here and now and that’s true. But God put the ability within us to also look to the future. Lord willing, we will see it come. God does say he has plans to give us hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Corinthians 5:17
If only it was that simple, right? If we abide in the Spirit of the Lord, it is, that simple. We as humans complicate it.
Over the last year many changes have taken place for Bob and me. I’m sure for you as well. Bob and I made a big move from South Florida to North Florida. I mean that is a huge endeavor. Selling a home and buying another one, right in the middle of price wars, homes going only to the highest bidder…it was surreal but with the help of the Lord it all came about. Anyway, I don’t want to drag this out. So, onward to the point.
Like I said emotions have been skyrocketing. I’ve tried to write but nothing would come. I was struggling and would cry out, “What’s wrong with me God?” I’ve felt unconnected and kind of lost. Maybe that was still from the stress of the move.
My calling is to write and to pray I mean that’s what I do and who I am. God called me to it; I didn’t call myself. But something was off, and I couldn’t shake it.
This morning I heard my father’s still small voice. Finally. I hear him say, “Divine Pivot!” I’ve only heard that one other time when my friend Amye Still, said it. I leaned in to hear what he was saying to me. On Christmas day my family and I gathered around the food and my son Abram said, “Mom, I want you to pray over the food.” I was a little surprised. I thought either he or my son, Mark or Bob would pray. I looked at Bob and said, “Do you want to pray?” But Abram spoke up and said, “No, I want you to pray, Mom! It’s already decided.” I felt a little nervous and unsure, I wasn’t myself. But I opened my mouth, and I knew I was in the presence of the Lord. I prayed a simple prayer and felt as if it was not very significant, but I could feel the Holy Spirit. I finished praying. It was short and to the point. But something happened. This morning when the Holy Spirit said, “Divine Pivot!” I had a flash back of that prayer and I said, “Lord, I feel like that prayer didn’t really get past the ceiling.” But he spoke to me and said, “You and your family and friends were there together. From your very first words you entered my presence and there was a holy pause, all of heaven was listening, there was a moment in history that was forever changed, all because you prayed. I heard you! I saw you! Time stopped for that brief moment. It was a Divine Pivot even though you didn’t realize it. Once you said, amen. The pause was released, and everything went back to your normal.”
God reminded me this morning that when we pray, we enter another realm, His Holy Realm. It’s not just some religious practice of bowing the head and saying words. It is a Divine moment where we as humans encounter the supernatural realm of the living God. The God of all creation. The one who created all things, we are granted permission into the Holy of holies and He hears us because of the one who was born, His son, Jesus the anointed one! Through Jesus, God hears and answers our prayers.
I could have said all kinds of scriptures and words of how Jesus was born etc. to sound pretty and “spiritual, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I spoke what was in my heart. All God wants, is our heart!
I haven’t asked Abram why he was so adamant that I pray. But I believe God put it in his heart because God knew I needed it. We are all on a journey. We may not realize it or understand it. But God calls us and when we answer that call, we are forever changed. The adventure is more than we could ever think or imagine.
As you enter a new year, it’s a new season nothing happens any differently between December 31st, and January 1st except the date will change and time will continue. But it gives us hope to think that there is a holy pause, and maybe, just maybe something new can change and we will be better, stronger, healthier, kinder, braver and more loving to our neighbors and to each other.
“Divine Pivot!” Make it count!
God bless you and may your New Year be one of blessing and divine pivots! Amen.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill December 28, 2022
Jesus is, the More
More than enough
More than conquerors
More than the loneliness
More than the financial burdens
More than the illness
More than the career
More than the bills
More than the circumstances
More than your age
More than the heartache
More than the pain
More than the disappointment
More than the loss
More than your marriage
More than your singleness
More than fame or riches of the world
More than your pride
More than your desires
Jesus, is, More…
Whatever your struggle, Jesus is more than enough
He’s more than your unbelief
He’s more than life, more than faith, more than hope, more than love, more than patience, more than meekness, gentleness, self-control,
He’s more than a brother
He’s more than the air we breathe
More than anything you can think, or imagine
The more you want, will only come when you realize,
Jesus is the more you need!
Then surrender your heart and life to him, ask, seek and knock
He will come in and be the more in every part of your being…
The more he has will be the more you long for!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill November 29, 2022
No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Romans 8:37 New International Version
Come Forth
Covenant renewal right now, today!
A resurrection…
As a flower blooms and dies, a new flower arrives~
Lazarus died…
Jesus cried…
“Lazarus, come forth…”
He’s calling you, to come forth~
Age, race, it doesn’t matter, He’s, calling you, to come forth~
Come alive~
Dead bones, come alive!
Dead talents, come alive!
Dead dreams, come alive!
Jesus is calling you, “Come forth!”
You may feel as if you’re all dried up, weak, unfulfilled, parched, no water to fill your cup, where is the bubbling brook?
Get up! Get up! Get up!
The living water is calling, it’s flowing even now~
Pick yourself up and run don’t walk, life is what it’s all about!
Come drink of the living waters it’s nourishment to your soul, throw off the old dead clothes and put on the Holy Robe…
Sing your new song, dance around God’s throne, renew your vows of Covenant song…It’s the blood of Jesus, poured out for you, take His hand and sing along!
Let His Joy bring new strength
Come to the living waters and drink
Rise up out of your slumber…
Oh, grave where is your victory? Oh, death where is your sting?
A refreshing, happy stance, embraced in love with just one glance…
Come forth little flower and bloom once again…
Life isn’t over, it’s a new beginning!
Don’t you know you will never die…
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11:25-26 New King James Version
~Marla Shaw O’Neill November 8, 2022
Unseen Things
A tiny seed beneath the earth grows deep as silently it sleeps.
Sunshine and rain bring nourishment to the living, sleeping seed.
Changes take place, no eye has seen as it stretches and moves in mystery~
Roots grow deeper as the little sleeper, awakens to form a tree!
The sky beckons as the branches reach-out and the wooded tree stands tall, a thousand leaves wave in the breeze as Summer turns to Fall.
There in its shade as time passes by, secrets kept in forest pride, bowing to its maker the ancient, tree, dies.
Winter passes and Springtime awakes as another tree is found.
Life goes on in the cycle, a tiny seed does sleep~
Awakens in time for a serenade under the eastern sky.
Lifting its head in the bright sunlight a baby tree now thrives.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill November 6, 2022
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1 King James Version
I Will
Last night was a turning point for me. I tossed and turned and prayed it seemed no relief would come. Then I prayed, “Lord, I will trust you before, during and after this test!” And just like that God answered, sweet sleep came, and I woke up so much better this morning! God wants us to trust him, NO MATTER WHAT! He’s the one in control! Amen…I pray God’s healing touch over all of you today, in Jesus name, amen! He gave me this to write!
I Will
Into the night of crashing waves, a crescendo of sound rises and falls as electricity lights up the sight.
Tossed on a sea of terror, without help or safety, “Save me from this fright!”
The mind searches for relief,
A hero I can believe in who will rescue and deliver me.
Hours of torment in agony spent, then one prayer, in desperation, is cast into the sea and reaches the heavenlies…
“Abba, I will trust you in this harrowing test, if you save me or I perish~
I take my resolve, as I press on to find in you my perfect rest, the Savior of my soul~
Peace, sweet peace has come!
God, you have won, anguish and terror is overcome, I lay me down in blessedness…
No harm can reach me now!
Not stormy sea, nor fear of death, can touch me in your embrace~
For God has answered, I am set free in your unfailing grace.
One tiny grain of faith, surrendered to your will, help me Jesus to remember
Just, be, still!!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill October 31, 2022
Mark 4:39
New King James Version
39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace,[a] be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.
Mark 4:39 Lit. Be quiet