The ark of the LORD not seen for many years
Until David said, I will bring the ark home,
Home to the city of David.
The ark was set in a brand-new cart, not God’s command at all…
Oxen stumble the ark began to tumble.
Uzzah held out his hand…
Pride and arrogance of the young priest provoked the anger of God.
Uzzah died right there and then…
David, afraid and confused.
Why would he die? He only tried to keep the ark at ease…
Seeing God’s anger David did not continue to the journey’s end…
The ark was sent to Obed-Edom, a man whose heart rejoiced, no guile was found in him.
Although he was poor and his family too, God blessed him with favor and grace.
Three months passed; happy at last, David followed God’s commands…
Thirty thousand people all of Israel’s tribe, shouted, and rejoiced upon their way.
The ark was going home…
Instruments played, ram’s horns blown, what a jubilant, wild display…
Into the city of David, rejoicing as they went…priest’s shoulders steady, and strong they were not bent.
God completely pleased with their obedience…
David rejoiced at these new current events…
Kill the fatted calf and bull, all for the glory of God!
No more to fear let all draw near, shout, and sing; rejoice!
Exchanging His robe of purple, to a simple linen one…
David, danced before the LORD of hosts!
Leaping and twirling, in the bright sun light, dancing and jubilant, with all of his might…heart full of joy, no pride or restraint…
No care of what people might say or think…
In the presence of Jesus, such exuberance displayed.
Join right in let the praises begin!
To laugh and breathe this precious gift…
In the presence of God, over and over again and again…
Rejoice all ye people dance before the king…draw near, and shout…open your hearts to worship and sing…
The Ark is home again…
David danced joyfully, with all of his might, before the King!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill
And David danced before the Lord with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. So, David and all the people of Israel brought up the Ark of the Lord with shouts of joy and the blowing of rams’ horns. 2 Samuel 6:14-22 New Living Translation
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