All Things New
Everything changed… From destined to Fulfilled! From death to Life! From fallen to Redeemed! From broken to Restoration! From defeat to Victory! From lost to Fo...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
Everything changed… From destined to Fulfilled! From death to Life! From fallen to Redeemed! From broken to Restoration! From defeat to Victory! From lost to Fo...
Gardens laden with turtle-doves Melancholy music tunes of love Tender, gentle turtle-dove… Surrounding Jordan new life is born Melodies of happiness in the sunl...
Words spoken Words reveled No longer cloaked By the disobedient will Covenant made By blood, sweat and tears No more death, no more fear Guiding Star Stable, ma...
(Inspired by Holy Spirit) Soaring beyond the star-lit sky Far beyond third heaven, I fly Seeing things of wonder and beauty, planets and galaxies… Life of a dif...
Bound to the earth by flesh and bone Out of the garden, out of our home… Tied to the earth by the sweat of the brow Ruled by the dirt by the ox and the plow C...
Where light and hope and faith once permeated the room Now only darkness surrounds the place and fills it with gloom No love songs, no truth, no life, just doom...
When I was a little girl I loved to eat, but I was always skinny. No matter how much I ate, I could not gain weight. Now some of you would say, “What a problem ...
Lord, my mind will not cease its rummaging Through the wasteland of my life Accountability reached but all I see Are mistakes that cut like a knife… You have ne...
In the early hours of morning, just before the dawn A symphony erupts from the lily pond… Standing tall is the cat-tails awaiting the song… Apalone-spinifera cu...
Art work by Abram Liverio Lord I just want to thank you for the time you’ve given me. I don’t want to waste it, or take it for granted. We are not promised to...