Take This Cup
Holy Breath, breathe on me… He cried out and breathed his last breath, They grieved… Holy Breath, sweet savor to my soul Give me grace, and make me bold… Will y...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
Holy Breath, breathe on me… He cried out and breathed his last breath, They grieved… Holy Breath, sweet savor to my soul Give me grace, and make me bold… Will y...
My mama used to say, “I’m not old, I’ve just been here a long time.” Mama loved God with all of her heart, mind, body and strength… When she met you, she would ...
Jesus is found sitting in the temple…discussing the law and teaching… #Jesus is found sitting in the #temple. Click To Tweet Who are you seeking? Walking with J...
Two men meet a stranger, as they walk the Emmaus Road Not knowing who he was, he had taken their heavy load… ‘Do you not know what’s happened in the city here t...
Galatians 5:22-23 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-...
There is a soul living in each and every one This is why I sent my son… Souls dwelling in earthen vessels designed by my hand When you look into another’s eyes ...
When darkness over takes you, and you cannot see the Light When all you have is your heartache, and you’re blinded without sight… When the cares of this world, ...
I am always looking for a deeper meaning of things. Like the meaning of what words and names mean. This is so fascinating to me. We are looking to move into a c...
I wrote this in 2011, just for fun maybe one day I will finish it. It needs a lot of work but I thought you might enjoy it! Living with Mara It was the year of ...
Oh Most Holy God… I want to see you Lord… I want to see you open hearts of the lonely, the hurting, the dying, the thirsty, the hungry… Lord you walk among the ...