The Glories…

The Glories are those tiny ones, who come just in the nick of time… When you think all hope is gone, and you begin to whine… Why me? Oh me? And if only! It’s al...

The Comforter

  Broken in spirit Cast down and ship-wrecked With grief that will not cease Holy Comforter come, give me your blessed peace Wrapped in holy love, Spirit, Holy ...

What Does God Want

What does God want…? He wants your heart. We hold on tight to things of this life Not realizing it takes up all the room Crammed into each crevice we save Bitte...

Thank Goodness

Could you imagine if cows made buttermilk? And bunny’s laid Easter eggs, of milk chocolate and caramel silk? What if turtles could fly and horses could talk The...

The Companions

#Psalm 23 #Goodness and #Mercy Click To Tweet You do not walk alone, Companions, Goodness and Mercy are with you They follow you wherever you go… The Good Sheph...

Meet Me

  Meet me in the coffee shop Meet me in the diner Meet me in the work place… Meet me in the church-yard, There’s no time to waste…   I’m waiting in the mo...