You Make A Difference
My cousin Maria. When I was nine months old my cousin Rosa Maria Gandy was born. I don’t know why she was given the name Rosa Maria I’ll have to ask my Aunt Ro...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
My cousin Maria. When I was nine months old my cousin Rosa Maria Gandy was born. I don’t know why she was given the name Rosa Maria I’ll have to ask my Aunt Ro...
The Little ’uns are those who go unseen in the crowd… Making life better, they are humble, not proud… Little ‘uns do the doing, unseen and unheard… They do trem...
Is it worth it? Will it be, worth it? Questions of the heart and mind leave me speechless, leave me blind Then looking full upon His face A definite surrendered...
Voice-of-Thunder blasting out…Make straight for the way of the Lord He’s coming as a gentle dove, filled with grace and spreading love… Born of virgin, one-of-...
April 17, 2010 Now as they went on their way, he entered a certain village, where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister named Mary,...
There is chaos all around Trouble, hurt and pain What does this life have to offer? What gain? People fighting and arguing; accusing; full of bitterness and bla...
There is a rose in my garden, whose tender petals bloom The fragrance permeates the air, with a sweet, distinct, perfume She was born from love and sent as a ra...
Early, he rises, and goes out into the garden, tending it with love and care He begins to prune and dig in the earth, where… He’s planted holy seeds… Seeds of k...
Are you living in a waste land? Are you distressed and troubled? Are you wandering in no man’s land? Are you depressed, rejected and without hope? Is trouble yo...
Prepared for the battle The soldier waits… His orders coming down from his commanding officer He is alert, standing ready guarding the gates… The order comes…Pr...