Rolling hills and pastel skies Silent streams and dragonflies Trees waving, ever present in the forest, stoic, Like soldiers standing at attention~ Misty breath...
These writings are inspired by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Challenges, and personal life events, written to lift the soul and to show the grace of God to all His children. I hope you will be inspired by them and that God’s love will fill you with writings of your own.
Rolling hills and pastel skies Silent streams and dragonflies Trees waving, ever present in the forest, stoic, Like soldiers standing at attention~ Misty breath...
Artist unknown Woke up early this morning with these thoughts going through my head. I believe it is from the Lord! When Jesus healed the lame man and said, “Ri...
Morning Glory has a sister; her name is Scarlet Rose. They grew up in a garden as the story goes… Morning Glory, wore blue denim and Scarlet Rose, a purple robe...
It wasn’t about the manger, or the stable. It wasn’t about the shepherd’s or angels or wisemen or the star… It wasn’t about the temple or the loaves and fishes....
Five foolish sisters weary from waiting, “No telling when He’ll come. Let’s sleep awhile, our journeys just begun. There’s plenty of time before the bridegroom ...
Rocked to sleep in mommy’s arms, safe and loved and secure. Swings and slides and see-saws, chasing butterflies under blue skies. Reading, writing and arithmeti...
August 15, 2024 Last night at church Pastor Perry asked us all to come to the altar and pray and to ask God, to take us deeper with God. I believe this dream is...
When you’ve been knocked down, spun around, kicked and lied to, and you’re going down for the count… you’ve been beaten and left for dead~ That’s the time to di...
I wandered far away from the life source… Dark days and nights I’ve lived, sin kept me from the light… Ashamed, forgotten, invisible without sight… Somehow, som...