The Dream/Vision

Ok here we go… This morning, May 20, 2021, I found myself in this dream only it was more like a vision. I was watching, pages and pages of names scrolling down ...

The Gift

The little boy was shoeless, with holes in his pants and shirt And on each cheek, there were smears of sweat and dirt. His eyes were full of sadness, he knew wh...

Be Childlike

People come and people go, from all around the world They live their lives, in desperation, with great heartache and hidden sorrow… Some with integrity, some, n...

As Eagle Wings

Arms spread wide upon the cross, Like the wings of an eagle in flight… Soaring in the heavenlies, God is seen Wings spread wide for the world to see… What myste...

Precious Dove

Precious dove, of gentleness, calmly descending Love, in its purest form, no need of defending… From Ark, tossed upon the sea, with olive branch from dry-land’s...

Warrior of Prayer

In the heat of the battle where perseverance and endurance are met Resolved within your heart, see it through without regret There will be no call of retreat Wa...

It is Only a Test

When the walls tumble down around you, let it be the Jericho walls. When an open sea is before you and the enemy is at your back, You’re in the place for a mira...