From the Other Side
I’m posting this piece written by my friend April Wall. April knows first hand what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who suffers from ...
I’m posting this piece written by my friend April Wall. April knows first hand what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who suffers from ...
Why do you suppose we don’t see more manifestations of healing today? One reason is because we’ve stopped tarrying and asking for the in filling of the Holy Spi...
Jesus asks… But…who do you, say, that I am? A prophet? Elijah? A teacher? A wise-man from afar…? A baby in a manger? A boy speaking in the temple? A carpe...
The little bird must sing… Her joyful melodies… God in his wisdom knew when he created these… A song for the morning When a new day breaks Light hearted music t...
Mantle: an important role or responsibility that passes from one person to another. Means: role, burden, onus, duty, responsibility. The mantle of leadership. M...
Looking out over the dark, murky, water Fear grips the heart, What will it take? Terror whispers of things that lie beneath this unfamiliar lake Moonless, starl...
Yesterday I felt horrible. For several weeks of being sick, which turned into bronchitis, it was taking its toll, and being cooped up in the house, because I ha...
Walking through the streets of Jerusalem The city is packed with foreigners, They’ve traveled from far distant places Tired, dusty and weary, I see it in their ...
There she sits both night and day On a tiny stool and forms her clay Skilled hands now old, and wet, and caked Molds the treasure she will make Upon her potter...
(For Anne Frank) The world now knows the words she once held so dear… What the enemy tried to smother, now rings loud and clear! To herself, she hid her own de...