
Who the son sets free, is free indeed! Today, the word, Freedom, has been impressed upon my mind. This past weekend I attended a conference called, Freedom. I’m...

True Love

Artist Elizabeth Wang Oh, how He loves us… He loves us even when we reject him He loves us even while we spit on him, mock him, drag him through the streets nak...

The Heart of a Lion

***Artist James Nesbitt*** Silence… Listen… Can you hear the sound of the rustling in the bush…? There, see him stride, protecting his pride The cry of a King i...

The Façade

Drawing by: Fourar Amira Staring at people in a masquerade, living secret lives, hidden, as in unmarked graves They move and walk in circles, made by unseen for...

The Password

There is only one word that gives you access to the holy place No other word will do… No secret handshake or encryption, oh hear me, for this is true… No renewi...

The Way of Escape

Artist Unknown God, how can I bear this heartache it rips at my broken soul Turns my nights to bitter tears and leaves an endless hole… Days have no meaning, fo...