Hear My Prayer O God

Art by Benlin Alexander
Psalm 41:3 (TPT)
When they are sick, God will restore them, lying upon their bed of suffering. He will raise them up again and restore them back to health.
Jesus, you are my best friend, my brother, my King, my healer, my salvation and so much more… In You, I hope! In You, I live! In You, I dwell!
Jesus, I am washed in your blood, you have called me redeemed, because of who you are!!
I am coming before your throne today into the holy of holies where only you dwell…no evil, no demon, no adversary, no accuser can come into this place…only the pure in heart can enter! Those who you have called your own…and I am your own…I am clean and free of sin because of you Jesus, and I am asking you by the mercies of my Father God that you hear my cry…and the cry of your kids calling out to you for help and deliverance today!
I am standing, right now in your presence and I am interceding for all hospitals and homes across this nation of the United States of America…I am not talking about division…I am not talking about politics or race or creed…I am talking about Your Children…I am talking about the human-race…and I am beseeching you on behalf of all people…that this demon Covid19- (aka coronavirus) be bound, gagged, cast out and destroyed in your Name Jesus!
I’m asking for each person that has, or has had, or is going to have, which I say right now, will not have this virus, in Jesus name, that you stop it in it’s tracks NOW! For there is no power in this earth or out of this earth; physically or in the spiritual realm; that can come against the Power of the Almighty God…just as David, as a young man with only a sling and a few stones came against Goliath…in The Name of The Lord…and defeated him by your mighty hand, with one stone to the head, then cut he off the enemy’s head…I am asking that you will hear this prayer from a meek, little, aging, women but who has the Power of the Holy Spirit to come against this demon CV and command that it be killed with one prayer and cut off it’s ugly head so that our Nation will be saved…that no more people will die…no more will we have to be isolated for fear of death…no more bullying, no more lies, no more threats, no more… and that You OH GOD will RISE UP AND DEFEAT THIS FOE AND SET YOUR PEOPLE FREE!!!!
Let God arise and His enemies be scattered…
I ask for mercy…I ask for peace, I ask for healing and deliverance…let all the people’s of the Earth see and know that only You God could do this and that the enemy has to run with it’s tail between it’s legs because you will not tolerate his bullying any longer…that the time is not yet…that you will spare this generation and the generations to come so that souls will be spared from destruction and Hell…
Hear my cry O God, just at you heard the prophets of old…heal our land…just a little longer God…let the earth remain…and truly turn to you and that things will not return as usual but that our whole Nation will return to you and walk and live in your ways of righteousness!! Drive them back Jesus…drive back the demons…and let us live free and in your salvation! Amen!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill April 17, 2020
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4


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