Woman at the Well

How many times have you gone to the well of life so to speak, and all you got was muddy water, hateful stares and a sore back from carrying the water pitcher? (Your cares, burdens, regrets, sin, it all gets very heavy.)
You get up day after day, week after week, then months turn into years and all you get is the same old thing. You’re on your fifth relationship and that one isn’t working either…the women in the community won’t have anything to do with you. They whisper when you walk up and they call you a half-breed. You’re a Samaritan, the lowliest of the low. What beauty you had, has faded and that was more of a curse than anything else; you’re simply worn out by life from making wrong choices.
So, after all the other women have left, you go to the well…you just don’t want to hear their gossip and see their accusing eyes. You’re over it!
Its noon time, it’s hot but that’s nothing new you’re used to that. You notice a Jew sitting by the well. What now, you wonder. Jews don’t usually come through Samaria. You try to ignore him. But he speaks to you.
“Give me a drink of water.”
Sometimes when we least expect it…we have an encounter with someone who is the least likely to speak to us and it surprises us.
Today this is what happens to the Samaritan woman. She’s going to have a well drawing experience, which will change her life forever!!
You know the story, if not you can read it in John chapter 4:1-42 in the Bible.
If Jesus asked you for a drink of water, what would you do? What would you think?
He was a Jew; she was a Samaritan…
The Samaritans worshiped Yahweh, but on a different mountain. They were mixed breeds. The Jews looked down on them and despised them, but not Jesus. He was constantly turning the customs of the day upside down.
Jesus was no ordinary Jew, oh no; he was the son of God! She had no clue.
That day the water she drew was not from Jacob’s well…cloudy, unfulfilling water…No she received pure, clean, fresh, everlasting water from the Well of Jesus… she would never thirst again…and not only did she receive this water…she left her water jar and she ran to her village and told everyone what Jesus had said to her. “Come see this man that told me all about my life…” because of her testimony they believe on Jesus too!
This story has been told for over two thousand years…
It doesn’t matter your race, or gender Jesus is sitting at the local Well waiting for you to arrive. He wants to give you living water!
What will you do?
Will you believe me, a woman, who is telling you about the Messiah? Or will you come and hear him for yourself?
Jesus is the Messiah! The Savior!
Are you thirsty? Are you broken and weary? Are you tired of the struggle, the lies, and the empty life that never satisfies? Are you tired of the treadmill that never ends? Spinning around and around but never getting anywhere?
Come to the well…it’s a spring of living water always bubbling, always fresh, and it’s free…
Jesus said, I will give you living water and you will never thirst again.
~Marla Shaw O’Neill ~ 2018
You can read the story in John 4:1-42 
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4