What’s Your Story

I was a woman caught in adultery, sentenced, and condemned to die…He did not accuse me; he set me free from all the lies… John 8: 1-11
I was a leper who came back to say thank you, for healing me, once hiding; I was unclean, unloved and unseen…Luke 17:11-19
I was a soldier arresting Christians; I nailed the Messiah to a tree Luke 23:26-43
I was just a boy with some fishes and bread, but I watched multitudes as they were fed John 6:9
I was a girl sick and dead…but raised to life when he touched my head Mark 5:21-43
I was a woman with five husbands; going to fetch water from a well, when he began to tell my history…no longer a mystery, I drank long and full never to thirst again, from his unending well… John 4:18
I was a fisherman tending my nets at the shore of Galilee, when he said, “Come follow me.” Matthew 4:19
I was a rich, young ruler, I kept the law of the land…but I could not give up my wealth to follow him. I walked away from all of them… Mark 10:17-27
I was a thief I stole for a living, they hung me next to him. I deserved what I was getting, but not him… he said, I’d be with him that day in paradise…he paid for me the total price…No one had ever done anything for me, until Jesus, he is truly the Christ. Luke 23:39-43
I was a disciple, I kept the books, but in the garden I saw the looks, when I betrayed my best friend, and then, I went and hung myself…it was a bitter end…John 18:1-5 & Matthew 27:3-10
I was a woman, bent and bleeding for twelve years…I had shed many tears…but one day I touched the garment of the Rabbi who came to my town and looking around, he knew someone had been healed…faith was all it took, in his eyes, his love shook my very core…I had been set free by that one touch from the Lord…Luke 8:43-48
I was blind from birth. I had no worth. But soon I could see men like trees, then fully my eyes were opened and I beheld the King. Clay and spittle he put in my eyes, and within moments I realized, forever my soul was lit…for I could see not just physically but spiritually. John 9:1-11 & Mark 8:24
Who are you today? What stands in your way of knowing the Master’s touch? Listen woman, man, boy, girl…he’s standing right beside you. He’s in others passing by. He’s there in your bedroom late at night where he sees you cry…He’s there on your job. Oh won’t you at least try…He’s there when you’re driving, cooking, sleeping, buying, weeping…he’s always by your side…
Are you like the blind man, who could not see? Are you like the soldier still nailing him to a tree? Are you like the leper, or woman at the well, who no one sees…it doesn’t matter…because, He sees you right where you are…
These were real people with real stories…they are recorded in His book…open it up and take a look…and remember…you are someone with a story too…
He’s the same yesterday, today and forever…
Who are you?
You are someone with a story, may it be told well…
~Marla Shaw O’Neill May 31, 2018
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4