A number of years ago I was feeling hurt and lonely. I knelt before the Lord and cried and prayed with deep unspeakable sounds. Emotional pain so deep I could hardly breathe.
“Lord who am I? What am I here for? Who even knows my name?” I poured out my heart to the Lord and I heard Him say, “Marla, I am giving you a new name.” I was stunned and surprised and thrilled all at the same time; that the God of heaven would speak to me. But that is what He longs to do. He called me Seritzah and told me it meant treasure. I was amazed. So I got up and went to Google to look it up. I didn’t find any name like it, so I knew it had to have come from the Holy Spirit. I wrote it down and kept it.
Today I was reminded about it and wrote this poem. The scriptures say, He will give us a new name in heaven. Lots of times God changed people’s names even while still on earth. There was Abraham and Sarah. He changed Jacob to Israel. He changed Saul to Paul. There is Peter and many more…so why not Marla, to Seritzah…?
It doesn’t matter if you believe or not…I believe, because God has called us His treasure. Seritzah, is His special name for me. I’m thankful that the Holy Spirit speaks to me and confirms to me, it is Him speaking to me, over and over again.
It’s happened to many times to be a coincident which I don’t believe in. There is a reason for everything and when we are truly His treasure…we know his voice when he speaks. Amen.
A new name I give to you
Because you’ve been a pleasure
Devoted and faithful, I will call you
Seritzah, my treasure
A name known only to me, and the angels,
In the heavenly courts of the King
You are a rare and lovely treasure…
A gem that cannot be measured…
More precious than anything
If known to earth-beings…they’d sell
All they have for just one glimpse
Of this pure and undefiled gemstone
More brilliant than a diamond…
More costly than gold…
More precious than a cultured pearl
Is this gem alone…
How beautiful to know and hear God’s new name for you, Seritza! It is lovely! During a similar time of weeping and strife in my life, a time of fear and feeling utterly lost, I was on my knees in the middle of the night… God did not tell me my name, but He did anoint me with warm oil, and told me everything would be okay, and that I could go back to bed and sleep. I didn’t realize until a couple years later, that the warm cozy feeling running from the top of the head down the sides, was a miraculous, spiritual anointing. God gives us exactly what we need for us to know He is with us! Thank you for sharing your beautiful poem and story, Treasured One! You inspire me to even more about my experiences with Jesus! ✝️💙
Oh thank you for sharing your story God bless you sweet precious anointed child of the Most High God! xoxoxo Our Papa God loves us so very much!! He loves to show up and pour out his love on us!!! <3
Oh, Marla, this absolutely blew me away! Being renamed by God, and hearing that name, is a magnanimous gift, indeed. Celebrate and rejoice in His presence and His love for you!
Thank you Martha I am thrilled you like it. It is amazing. God is awesome. 💖😁💕💐