Is there no balm in Gilead?
Is there no priest or prophet to tend the wounds…?
Filling hospitals and cemeteries’…
An epidemic, clouds of doom…
Sin, sickness of the soul
Rebellion, disobedience, disease
Spiritual deaths, untold…
While Nations streets, lay in waste
Do not delay; I implore you, make haste…
There is a balm in Gilead
A remedy to make men whole…
The balm applied by repentance
In righteousness you will behold…
The blood of Jesus poured from His veins
The balsam tree lives, and forever remains
It will heal your tortured soul…
Life and health cannot be bought or sold…
More precious than rubies, more refined than gold
Jesus is the balm of Gilead…
The Oil of Joy, it can, be had…
Will you apply this balm today?
Or will you harden your heart and walk away?
Would you see generations decay?
Because pride will not let you obey
Wars, Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, mental illness, demons,
All trying to kill us…
There is a Priest, a Prophet, who comes to heal the soul of man…
Over two-thousand years ago with this command…
Whosoever will, believe, and will not doubt…
Humbly repent, be delivered, set free
Apply the balm from Gilead’s balsam tree
Wounds healed, you’ll surely see
Righteousness restored to thee…
Blessings of the balsam tree
It’s not the balm that you must seek
But Jesus Christ and His love for thee…
Come humbly, come freely, let his balm wash over your soul and see…
Healing, peace, comfort, grace, guidance, a transformed life eternally…
The Holy breath is wooing you…apply the Balm of Gilead!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill May 18, 2018
Jeremiah 8:22 King James Version (KJV) Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?
Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary
Jeremiah 8:14-22 At length they begin to see the hand of God lifted up. And when God appears against us, everything that is against us appears formidable. As salvation only can be found in the Lord, so the present moment should be seized. Is there no medicine proper for a sick and dying kingdom? Is there no skillful, faithful hand to apply the medicine? Yes, God is able to help and to heal them. If sinners die of their wounds, their blood is upon their own heads. The blood of Christ is balm in Gilead, his Spirit is the Physician there, all-sufficient; so that the people may be healed, but will not. Thus men die unpardoned and unchanged, for they will not come to Christ to be saved.
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
22. balm] For balsam (balm) as a product of Gilead, see Genesis 37:25 and cp. Genesis 43:11; Ezekiel 27:17. As, however, some doubt has been thrown on Gilead as a place producing balsam, it has been suggested (so Pe.) that the meaning is mastic tree resin, which was obtained there.
Gilead] a mountainous part of Palestine, east of the Jordan, south of Bashan, and north of Moab.
Amen, Marla! Beautiful!
Thank you Martha Orlando…God bless you!