Photo by Abram Liverio
Big brother E-1, little sister L, baby brother E-2, we are Wee Three…
BBE-1’s superpower is leader, mentor, athletic, brave and strong.
LSL’s superpower is music, dance and song
BBE-2’s superpower is strength, healing and perseverance he’s faced giants and won…
They are the Wee Three…different, but the same…
From strong brave parents, Wee Three came…
Scaling tall hurdles…they jump and climb and run and play…
Parks and pools and backyard schools…
IPads, baby dolls, cars, rattles, and dad…mommy to the rescue when they are sad…
Diapers flying faster than the speed of light…
Nanny Emily takes to the fight…
Rocking and consoling BBE-2 he’s taken to sweet dreams; he’s going nite-nite
Bath time and dinner time for BBE-l and LSL’s flight…
Into dream land when dad and mom step in to say goodnight…
An Irish lullaby sung, heavy eyelids close in delight…
The Wee three…at rest before more adventures begin…
Round and round the Wee Three go…Super heroes, their parents, on them they depend
Wee Three, growing and laughing and running about…
Screams and squeals and terrifying thrills…
Yes they are the Wee Three…in highchairs for meals…
This cannot be accomplished by hoping or strong wills…
Mommy and Daddy’s superpower is unfailing Love …
Not temporary or complacent but a gift from above…
Thank you for loving and caring for Wee three…
There is no other place that, Wee three would rather be…
Than in this crazy, happy, joyful, family!!
~Written by Grandma Marla Shaw O’Neill April 9, 2018
Dedicated to Abram and Mary the parents of Wee Three!
Psalm 127:3-5 The Message (MSG)
Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift?
the fruit of the womb his generous legacy?
Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows
are the children of a vigorous youth.
Oh, how blessed are you parents,
with your quivers full of children!
Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you;
you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.
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