Living with Mara

I wrote this in 2011, just for fun maybe one day I will finish it. It needs a lot of work but I thought you might enjoy it!
Living with Mara
It was the year of Yoton where all earth beings were driven to live beneath the sea of Kodar in a whole other universe. Kodar was found on the sixth moon of Yedia. It all began in 2012. Wars had broken out among the north, south, east and west. Earth quakes and tsunamis hit every three months and all that was left of Mother Earth were lands stripped of life. Plagues and death killed billions, no one could stop it. Then the fires came, radiation and hunger killing so many that the death toll was too high to count. The destruction was final.
Then out of nowhere they began coming. The Yotonians, strange flying ships appeared in the skies and blew up what was left of the earth. Those who did manage to survive took to the water. A strange phenomenon happened people grew gills behind their ears and fins along their ankles and on the backs of their heads.
Taking to the water the people swam deep into the depths of the seas, caves, and caverns. They discovered great cities and waterways which surprised them. Who could have done this? How? In the midst of all the chaos, death and destruction upon the earth life had found a way to go on.  The Kingdom of Kodar was established. Under the seas were spheres, like moons, and two lights glowed like the sun which revolved around the underground ocean like spot lights. They would give light continuously for seven weeks then lights out as if someone turned the light switch off. Then the moons would take over. On the sixth moon was a place they called Yedia this is where the King and Queen were born Mandor and Elia they ruled with wisdom and strength. Their belief in God had not changed, for he was the creator of all life. Peace ruled their environment.  The language and customs totally changed from the times of when they were on earth which now was a distant place of desolation. There were no wars and no destruction. The Yedians had discovered how to survive in a world of water and lands beneath the sea making their life, there, serene and tranquil. They were a race of one kind, one mind, with one purpose and one God. Their lives were lived to transcend time and space in a water-land-garden where peace and love grew and thrived.
Telepathy was their way of communication there were no need for words. They ate the vegetation of the ocean and lived in the harmony of that universe.
But evil was not far from them…always lurking just above in the upper world. The world where the air was stale and death hung like a body in decay.
Kendal was a young man of 118 he was a scientist, and a hunter, extremely strong and intelligent. He had a special talent for sensing danger and could alert his fellow Yedians by sending out a telepathic signal alerting them to hide from their enemy when danger drew near. They lived in peace as long as they were not seen or heard. This had taken years of practice developing special skills to protect them from their enemy above.
Their world was built inside a thick bubble that covered every inch of their Kingdom. A city of 50,000 men, women and children living in a secret world that no one on the surface ever dreamed existed. One morning while scouting for any sign of human life a Yotonian, Bescar was his name, from the outer world discovered something strange floating on the surface of the water. There was no explanation of what he found. It was the Yotonians who took over what remained of the so-called earth and wanted only specimens for their grotesque experiments they needed humans to carry out their desires. About 20,000 humans had survived on the surface who did not take to the waters but the Yotonians took them and experimented on them. Because of this the remaining humanity had all but vanished from the earth. Although they kept a few alive but their minds were locked in a zombie like trance.
The Yotonians were skinny lizard looking creatures, huge eyes that can see for miles, and long tongues. Two holes where their nose should have been and sharp razor like teeth protruded beneath slimy lips. Some even have dragon like wings but they were the lower of the species and could not speak they were like buzzards, scavengers devouring only dead things. Bescar looked into the water and saw a shiny substance glimmering just under the surface. Bescar scooped it up touching it to what should have been his nose but there was no smell. No taste and then it just evaporated. Puzzled and bewildered he dove into the water as he did he began to scream in terrible pain. The noise he made was not human it was shrill; a cry so terrifying the water shook. And then he stiffened and lay floating in the water as if frozen…he was dead.
His war cry sent a message to the mother-ship and twenty scouts came to his rescue but it was too late. The Yotonian buzzards came and began picking at the body. Soon he would not even be a memory to their kind.
Deep within the waters Kendal, sensed the danger and sent a message to his fellow Yedians they were under fluorescent scarlet alert (high intensity warning). Everything came to a stand-still, invisible to the eyes of anything around them. King Mandor telepathically sent Kendal a message. Kendal responded, your majesty we are under attack do not come forward until you hear my word. I will tell you when it is safe to materialize. Kendal had a speed faster than any living creature, he was likened to, what used to be known as the peregrine falcon, with a speed of up to 242 mph. Strong muscles and long pointed fins helped him navigate in the waters. He had been near the surface and lost one of his fins that is what Bescar had scooped from the water. Kendal could not let him live for fear he would alert his fellow Yotonians and discover their world and destroy them he didn’t count on the shrill scream. Like an electric eel he had struck Bescar killing him instantly. Now a search was being held the Yotonians were suspicious creatures and would not rest until they knew how Bescar had died. Kendal had to divert their search. With lightning speed he sent a huge wave from the opposite side of the ocean it came crashing over their ship causing them to run. Two were lost in the water and the others decided this was not a safe place for them so they left the area. For the time being Kendal’s kingdom was safe but he knew he had to do something to protect his people he knew the Yotonians would return.
Kendal sent a message to King Mandor for now they were safe but something had to be done. If discovered it would mean their death because they could no longer survive on land. He must go to Mara.
Mara was a bitter old woman who had survived sense 2012. She was wise from her years and knew the world from before. Kendal must go to her and ask her for advice. Mara didn’t have much hair. She kept her head covered with a scarf. Her scalp was embedded with pearls; blue, black and white, which protected her head and her mind in many ways. Once sparkling green eyes, were now cloudy with age, and what teeth she still had, were yellow and worn but sharp. Her body was bent like an old tree but her mind was sharp and keen. The diet from the sea preserved her well. She was the only one left of her kind. Only 12 years old when the destruction happened to her race. Over these 2000 years she had slept in a bubble an experiment the ones before her had done to keep her alive. Hoping that someday she could return to the surface and begin again but that had been futile. Over time she developed special gifts and talents and her body evolved just as the others. Her memory stayed intact she knew what life was before all this and sometimes when in a quiet place she could see things as they had been. So Mara was bitter but could not die. For some strange reason life had dealt her this fate. Being the last of her kind and knowing what she knew, she was considered to be the mother of them all. The strange beings she lived with now were her family and had been for more years than she cared to think about.
Kendal came to Mara’s cave far north of Kodar it was not a big place but the water here was bluer and cooler than what he was used to. Mara sensed him before he arrived. Kendal, I’m glad to see you, but go away, I am tired and need a nap. She knew why he had come, but just didn’t want to be disturbed. Mara, please we need your help. We are under the threat of attack. Yes, yes, I know all about it Kendal. I’ve been watching you in my mind’s eye. You should have been more careful going to the surface and losing one of your scales…you know how suspicious these creatures are why do you pester them? Mara I need the minerals from the surface to finish my experiment. Yes but now you have put our Kingdom in harm’s way. What is so important that you need these minerals? You are such a child. Mara listen, it’s because of the ecological condition of our universe. If I do not find the missing link we will all perish. Kendal, that would not be so bad for me, I am tired of this, I want to go to my sleep. I am ready to go. Mara, your name suits you well. For bitter it is that you speak this way. Yes, yes, Kendal, now what do you want? I am old and need to sleep.
Kendal was a little irritated but proceeded to ask her his questions. Mara can you tell me where the mountains use to stand before the waters covered them? What mountains are you speaking of Kendal? There were many. I believe it was a place called Jerusalem and a mountain I don’t recall the name of it. Yes there were mountains. If you travel east from here you will find what you are looking for. I went there many times as a child before the great and terrible floods and devastation. Please leave me alone now I must rest.
Alright, Mara, I will speak to you later. Go, get some rest. Mara swam to her bubble-like- cylinder, she closed the door, and fell into a blissful sleep.
While she slept she dreamed of her past life,  her family, and how beautiful the land was. People spoke words to each other and celebrated life. In her dream she saw her mother and father. They were content with each other even though there was much turmoil in the world they made a good life for themselves and their off spring. They lived in a modest home. Outside she would visit a nearby park. The trees grew tall and broad. She listened to birds singing making their nests and she heard the cars driving past on a busy street. The sky was blue and the sun shone from far above giving light and nutrients to all of life. She ran on her own two legs feeling the ground under her feet. Dirt, precious dirt was all around. She picked flowers and the fragrance was sweet. Dogs ran about and cats lazily lay in window sills. People coming home after a long day at work, televisions and cell phones constantly buzzing taking everything for granted. Her dreams were bittersweet. A sudden jolt interrupted her peace. What? What is going on? Mara woke with a start! Standing over her were about fifteen council members. Mara, wake up there is trouble in the upper world.
~Marla Shaw March 18, 2011
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4


  1. Wow, Marla! This is interesting… I would love to promote such literary work. Please do whatever work needed to complete this…😊💝

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