Let Us See You!

Oh Most Holy God…
I want to see you Lord…
I want to see you open hearts of the lonely, the hurting, the dying, the thirsty, the hungry…
Lord you walk among the crowds and you see their hurt their crying in the night…
You see the desperation and the pain…
Oh God let me see your face…
Let me see your healing virtue extended to the sick. Let me see your salvation extended to lost souls…those who have no hope.
They have no way of deliverance. Only by your hand of grace extended to them…can they come…
They don’t even know who you are…they don’t know the name of Jesus…some don’t even know what Church is…they don’t know what it is to have a true, loving, relationship with you because no one has ever told them. They’ve never heard your story…Hard to believe that in this day of technology there are still those who have never heard about Jesus…
And those who may have heard think it is just a fantasy…They’ve been blinded by the enemy of God…He hates God, and God’s creation…
They’ve been abandoned and abused and kicked and used…O God these are the ones I cry for today…
These souls, the invisible ones…the ones that no one hears about because they are the outcast of our society…
Homeless, jobless, numb and forgotten…like the lepers of old…they are the untouchable ones…they cry but no one hears…
Lord, I cry they will see you…send an awakening O Lord…send your Holy Spirit into their midst and raise Abrahams and Isaacs and Jacobs…raise up Peters and Paul’s and Lydia’s and Marys; Raise up Marks and Abrams and Jonathan’s and Jasons…raise up Beth’s and Danas and Robs and Shannon’s and Boazs and Ruth’s and Easters…Raise them up O Lord…
Oh God speak to our youth and let them arise in your Holiness…to be strong and courageous…
Let your Holy Spirit and Fire burn within them and send them forth to the fields that are white ready for the harvest…Let them rise with the boldness of a Lion and a Love that is fierce and unconditional a love that only you could have given them…no pretense, no judgment, no prejudice, a love that reaches out to the rag-torn, lice inflected, drunken, prostituted, and those who stink from a life of unwashed and an unclean world…and bring them to the living, cleansing, water, of Jesus to the wells of forgiveness and grace…a place where they can be cleansed and built up and given love, a home, and a destiny…O God these are the ones I cry for and pray for today…
You have put them on my heart, Lord let us see your glory…
Let us see deliverance and salvation come forth in our land…speak to hearts of men and women and boys and girls all across these United States and let there be an awakening and soul winning as never seen in the history of our world. Sound the alarm and raise up young Davids who when faced with a giant ran towards him and not from him…and victory was wrought by the mighty hand of God with just a stone and a sling!
With Determined, Confident, Unshakable…Grace and fortitude for the Living God…So that no demon, no force will be able to deter them from the Call of the All Mighty God of Heaven and Earth…
Hear my prayer today O God for I know it is your prayer I know I am speaking from your heart and what you desire…Jesus…let me see you…Let me know you…Let my prayer be heard…and answered…
For the sick, the lame, the deaf, the mute, open eyes, open ears, open hearts, heal cancer…heal diseases…Oh God in the name of Jesus…let these things be done so that they will see with your eyes and hear with your ears, and know God is not DEAD! But He lives and still saves, still sets free…still delivers…still cast out demons…still loves and gives peace and joy to mankind…
You said, Greater is He who is in me, than he, who is in the world…
You said, Go and sin no more…You said, rise take up your bed and walk…You said, Go into the swine…You said, Freely you have received freely give…You said, greater works than these shall you do…You said, I have loved you with an everlasting love…You said, Be filled with the Holy Spirit…You said, Be healed…You said, If you see me than you see the father…You said, greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…You said, I am the way the truth and the Life. You said, Your faith has made you whole. Jesus we are taking you at your word…
Let us see you move…let us take up our cross daily and follow you…wherever that may be…to compel the lost to come and follow you…To live by faith and walk in the Spirit…and never ever look back, or back down, or give up…For we trust in You the Living God…
We will overcome, we will live in your light, we will follow you, we will, Go!
Hear my cry today…and thank you for answering in Jesus name…Amen!!!!!
~Marla Shaw O’Neill March 19, 2018
I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4