I was reading something a few days ago that made me sit up and really pay attention. It was a story about some soldiers who had fought a long and hard battle and when the war was over they were given a celebration. When they walked onto the platform, they were given a standing ovation…and immediately I thought about the warriors of prayer.
When we pray, fervently pray, those who are intercessors. Those who go into the battle to fight an unseen demonic enemy, those fully dressed in the battle armor, we go in, to fight, knowing God goes before us.
We fight for souls that are lost, and sick, and unaware of the invisible foe.
We fight with powerful words that God has given us to penetrate the enemy’s camp and destroy their strategies. We bombard heaven and implore God, to advance his Holy angels with us so that as we take on the legion of the worst of the worst we have nothing to fear. We pray in the spirit and with understanding…we glorify God and praise the Son…The Holy Ghost gives us the intercessory words to pray, He knows just how to fight.
Our weapons are not carnal they are supernatural weapons; we use them to fight in the unseen world of darkness, bringing souls into the light!!
We face the enemy head on. We do not retreat. We do not take orders from anyone but our Commander, The Lord Jesus Christ…
And when He says, to keep praying without ceasing, our war cries bring down strong holds, set lives free from bondage of sin and death. The prayers of the faithful servants of God accomplish much!! No fear of hurt, pain, suffering, loss, nothing holds us back in our advancement into the enemies camp…we are warriors, more than conquerors…our hearts are set on fire, to wipe out disease, putrid gas of destruction, commanding demons to flee and retreat at the name of Jesus Christ…
These are not microwave prayers…these are not fifteen minute prayers… these are prayers of mass destruction aimed directly at the enemy of the cross no matter how long it takes….speaking the words of God! Broken hearts mended, obliterating addictions; saving souls from hells-hounds and giving hope to the hopeless…unseen hands lifted upward, voices raised in holy words, truth, life and miracles uttered straight to the courts of God…mercy flows to unworthy mortals…God’s grace and love he extends to us…because someone prayed.
Blood, sweat and tears pour from the warriors of prayer…no thought, of care, or for their comfort…one mission, to pray fervent, righteous, faithful words, that God hears and responds to…Faith that moves mountains…love that conquerors hate…the sword of the spirit cutting through darkness, steel, bone and marrow…these are the intercessor’s, whose only purpose is to pray to the Commander and see His hand move on their behalf. To bring honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!
And when these unwearied prayer warriors step out of this life and into the portals of God’s Holy City…Tens of thousands of angels and the saints who have come before, welcome these precious souls into the Kingdom of God. A standing ovation with roars of joy, their banners held high…and songs of jubilation, receive the warriors home.
A wall of names stands tall in the court of heaven…names engraved on stones of jasper trimmed in gold, for those who prayed and battles were won…prayers answered and victories done…because of the prayers of warriors who prayed and believed and took on the work God called them to do. Forever praying, believing, and knowing that God answers prayer. steadfast, immovable, washed in the blood of the Lamb…always ready, will not waver in the faith…will not run away but to the fight…these are the intercessors not even death will stop them…because they know how important it is to pray.
Be an intercessor…fight, the Good fight, of faith…
You may never know whose life you just saved because you prayed, God heard, and He, answered!