In the shadow of your wings I find my rest…
Solitude and serenity, quiet and contentment…
I am blessed…
No evil may come near my dwelling place
As I gaze upon your gentle face…
Rejoicing, knowing I’m in your tender embrace…
Abiding under the shadow of your wings…
Your voice I hear as you begin to sing
A lullaby sung just for me…
The voice of peace, like none I’ve ever heard…You see
Jesus sings a lullaby:
Hush-a-bye…child of mine, let me sing my lullaby…do not fear or be afraid
I’m watching you both night and day
I have called you many times…do not walk away this time…
Hush-a-bye…child of mine, let me sing my lullaby…
Close your eyes and dream of me…you’re not alone just look at me…
Hush-a-bye…child of mine, I created you to be…
Awww, you did excellent, Marla! I will highlight this post on the Christian Poets and Writers website!
Thank you Shira. I am honored!
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Gayl 🙂
Simply beautiful. 🙂
Thank you Karen…<3