The Reminder 2017

I wrote this in 2010
This is one of the most magical and joyous times of the year with colored lights on rooftops and in windows…red poinsettias grace many a yard, church and home. Yes Santa and his reindeer, snowmen and candy canes, and beautiful Christmas trees sit in the open to set the stage that the Christmas season is here.
Figurines of Shepherd’s stand in awe and wonder as Mary and Joseph gaze upon the babe displayed in a humble manger. Read Isaiah 7 and 8. Isaiah 11. Read II Chronicles 28. Luke 1
There has been much discussion on the birthday of Jesus (Yeshua) our Messiah and the history regarding the origin of this festive time.
There was a time in my life that I, because of religious beliefs did not celebrate “Christmas” for 8 years as a matter of fact. I wanted to please my Father God, and I thought that by not participating in the holidays God would be very pleased with me. Research was done I learned that it originated from pagan practices and how it became indoctrinated into the lives of the follower’s of Christ. That, “No lie is of the truth.” My family was torn and confused. It was one of the saddest times in my life. I’m speaking for me I can’t speak for you; you will have to search out your own salvation with fear and trembling. But after that time period something happened to me. I realized that God is a God of love and mercy. God said he was sick of their holy days and feast days. Because the people served him with their lips but their hearts were far from him. He loved us so much that He GAVE Jesus his only son. The point was that He God came down to earth in the flesh to live and teach us who He is and to show us His heart! If anything I think it backfired on the evil one who wanted to deceive God’s people by combining everything, it brought us all together. Even though Christmas is commercialized and all have but forgotten the birth of Jesus, it is still a wonderful time of year to show his love to those less fortunate than we are. It is also a great time to teach our children and grandchildren about giving. When you have the love of God in your heart it is not burdensome it is truly a pleasure and a joy to help others.
I choose to see the good, I choose to have his love shine forth in my heart and I choose to let things go that I cannot do anything about. Jesus is sung about, movies of hope and miracles happen more, people attend church that normally would not, there’s an attitude of giving in the air and it’s just such a beautiful time to be living. Families get together and eat together and give gifts as a way of showing they love each other. Jesus is lifted up and in the back of everyone’s mind whether sinner or saint they know, because it has been spread throughout the centuries that “Jesus is the reason for the season.” God’s people don’t see “pagans” or what they stand for, they see Jesus! So really I want to say thank you to our ancestors for bringing Jesus into our hearts and homes at this very special holiday time.
I believe that for whatever reason I had to experience that lesson so that I would appreciate my family and truly learn what it is to love as God loves.
I know, what you’re thinking and what you will say but… God gave us his word as an instruction book to guide us but not to brow beat us. People have been arguing about religion and God-fearing faith since the beginning of time.
God is a loving, kind and forgiving parent…He, as a parent wants his children to be happy and to use wisdom. He tells us how to eat right and how to live a healthy life style and if we live by his word and obey his word we will do well. If not he also gives us a spanking when needed. Why? Because he loves us and because he said so! He, is God!
Some of you will reject what I am saying and I understand. It’s OK because you are going through your life lessons as well. I know without a doubt in my heart and mind that I am loved with an everlasting love it is indescribable. On this journey I will have more lessons to learn as well. Just be open to God’s Holy Spirit and let him guide you in all truth. Do not be so quick to judge others or to be condemning. If you wish to reprove do so lovingly and with great care knowing that your heavenly Father has been the same way with you. And please be the first to forgive when wronged. Don’t hold grudges. There is total healing when you forgive others who trespass against you. Yes it hurts, but it will hurt so much more if you do not.
And one more thing on this subject, be kind to your parents, honor them, cherish them God says you’ll live a long life if you do that. You may have heard this before but parents don’t come with an instruction book or a how to manual…so be patient with them and take good care of them. You will be right where they are someday if you live long enough.
I’m only saying all this to you because it was on my heart. You may not agree with me but being a Child of the Most High you must love me.
YHWH bless you and give you grace and peace.
May you have a very blessed and joyous Christmas filled with Hope and Faith. And if you choose not to celebrate that is alright too! For those of you who are alone at this time of year. Go out and make some new friends get together and celebrate! We all need each other!!!
To all my other friends who have a different belief, may your Holidays be filled with JOY, PEACE, LOVE and HAPPINESS! Good journey!
Love you all!
I’d like to add something else…at this time of year there are many who are hurting, hungry and depressed, give a smile, a blanket, a toy or even a meal to someone less fortunate than you are this year. A hug, a cup of coffee an encouraging word, let the love of God shine through you and see how wonderful it feels to bless someone!
Still learning.

I love the Lord Jesus Christ and am passionate about writing. I hope you enjoy the blog and come to visit often. Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry. “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2: 2-4